• Rev. Nora Macias
    Lead Pastor

    Rev. Nora Macias has been the Sr. Pastor of Casa De Oración in Fairfield, CA since 2011. Both she and her husband have been involved in a true revitalization work and with the Lord’s help and guidance, they have been able to see this ministry flourish once again and chose to live in all that the Lord has called them to live in. At the center of it all is a Kingdom building mindset that includes the promise found in Haggai 2:9…that the latter glory will be greater than the former! Because of this, she has loved and encouraged believers to follow the Call made by the One who gave it all – Jesus Christ! She has devoted her life to serving this generation. Pastor Macias at one time served as Youth Pastor for over 15 years as well as serving in other positions within the ministries of the local church. She graduated with a B.A. in Raza Studies from San Francisco State University in 2007 and has been a Credentialed Minister with the Assemblies of God since 2002. She has been married to Rev. Steven Mora for over 8 years and they have two beautiful children, Jessica and Josiah.