Jabez Missionary Church of God

About Us

Jabez Missionary Church of God is a local church in Nancy, KY. Expect music styles such as traditional hymns and contemporary. You might also find programs like youth group, children's ministry, missions, young adults, and choir. by FaithStreet

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  • Satisfied.
    Thank God the Hollywood hillbillies are long gone and in their illiterate place is a well studied and approved real man teacher and not a shack dwelling want to get rich bunch of fakes like before.
  • The no magical,non adulterating,on inbred non Deliverance man.
    Three years of total control and things are non soap opera,non ridiculous,and definitely honoring to His Almighty,the only true and real God and not some crap created by that fallen angel imbecile in Hell for all of His wasted eternity.This church has been under control for three years and there has been zero tolerance for heathern,inbred Family Dollar millionaires,and sacriligeous one horse town Pulaski County,Kentucky show and tell empty headed imbeciles.A real non interrelated man has taken complete control and it has and is the game changer.
  • The Truth of the Matter.
    I would like to say congratulations to the majority of you in America as you have hands down without a doubt outdone anything all the denizens of Sodom and Gamara could have possibly done in the deviated line of action.I don't believe anything is left to the imagination as small town white European descended types are very creative in their execution of depraved based acts.I don't believe that the Heather of Sodom and Gaymara,heh heh, had trouble identifying their gender unlike most modern American white Einsteins.It amazes me and it shouldn't after all these decades the ignorance of most people?in society.As I said the honor of most depraved Bozos now goes to modern white and rural American society hands down.
  • The Doctor
    This week has been amazing for the new Jabez Assembly Church.I was able to bring a mother,father, and their three wonderful daughters back into church attendance.I was also encouraged at the news that my teaching had moved the mother to begin a weekly home based Bible study program.Wonderful news.Five more souls led to our Savior and added to the Heavenly roll.I love to visit my flock and hear such inspirational news.I am so glad that this new Jabez Church can inspire new faces and formerly lost souls to a new life and relationship with the Almighty God.What this church h was created by me to do.I have had a good week not only in that aspect but also introducing myself as teacher of the church but also speaking with other brothers and sisters about the new Jabez Church but also feeling so inspired all the faithful I have talked with in God's work and such.Now Jane's is the church all can be proud of but mainly God Himself.I haven't learned the moves to the two step to salvation or how to mumble the Heavenly baby talk nor do I intend to ever.I much prefer to visit local peoples and chat with them about their salvation or in many cases need for it and even sit down and teach them about God.One should always be willing to represent God correctly and not act as though he might be suffering from a touch of Joel Olsten syndrome......we are too close to the end for abusing our positions as teachers of God's will and precious Word for nonsense shows.
  • The Doctor.
    The new Jabez Church is up and running with a new teacher,new faces,and no nonsense.No two stepping to salvation,mumbling the Heavenly baby talk,nor fake non healing slideshows replete with the afflicted falling in the floor and clowning around.The new church has already helped several persons in the local area and brought another formally lost and misguided soul to Christ our Saviour and His saving grace through His Father.Also already had a business meeting and well when you bring a church into the will of the Unborn Creator it will always succeed immeasurably.Let that be a lesson to all cons,a jve dancer,and fake healers out there giving bad advertising in the name of our most Holy Father.
  • The Doctor
    I think you see the difference between a Joel Olsteen wannabe in the pulpit like was playing at the old ransacked Jabez Theater Church and a teacher submitting to God's request to step in create the new Jabez Tabernacle and do as God desires through His command and that is teach God's desires and Word.I don't put value on myself but rather on the head of the church,our Lord,Yeshua and His Father God the Creator of all.Thus my name is not put on giant signs with letters twice the size of God's beautiful name.Waste of church funds but most things were at the old failed vehicle.The new church has one expense,the monthly rent.No other nonsense.Sitting in a recliner teaching all of God's written word and not toe tapping to Paradise,deceiving about God's order,or just making a plain knuckleheaded jackass of myself.Teaching God's will through His Word is a serious affair not a tryout for mega preacher hour or a role in Hollywood.Women should be treated decently too and not like vassal of an old medeivel fifedom.Of course it takes a man studied in the true God's Word and will to understand such and act accordingly and not a raging meglomaniac dressed up looking to venture into a Wall Street board meeting......
  • The Doctor
    And giving jewelry and vases of flowers or even a beautiful thank you card to our sisters in the faith,especially when they are feeling down or having difficulty in their daily walk is a sign of a Godly man.To bring joy to our sisters through symbols of care and concern or just letting them know how valuable a treasure they are is the duty of all God loving men although a few fail at understanding that so thus the teaching on the subject.
  • The Doctorr
    Jesus didn't treat Mary like a dummy either nor try to dominate her nor misrepresent her but valued her as one of His most valued disciples and thus her gospel.The crazy Catholic all boys Spanky club kind of remind me of the last leadership of the old Jabez big dummy Church.A man of God would and does realize how important our female companions are to us in our daily walk as after all they are considered by God,the Unborn Creator to be helpmaes.While your knocking the seven inches of dust off your Bible I can tell you that exact term is found in Genesis.A woman was created to be a friend and helping companion to man so He would have more than just his Creator for companionship.A mumbling dummy I know never taught any of you that but should have as women are very important to God and his creation.Some are even needed to act as surrogate mother figures at times.
  • The Doctor
    I would recommend a thorough study of the Gospel of Mary Magdeline.I know this was not taught before at the old dysfunctional church where of course women were misrepresented as secondary people by at least one overly assertive male dancing machine.I suppose it was likened unto the crazy Catholic Church which removed the Gospel account due to dating issues but mostly as women were treated as second rate during the Dark Ages.Jesus of course valued the female and it is a shame when a sideshow says he is close to God but cannot see this fact.Mary,Susanna,ans Joanna had gone to the tomb early on the third morning to dress the body of the Savior the third morning as a matter of fact.Mary went into t he tomb and encountered angel who asked ,"Why seek you the living amongst the dead?"The importance of a female disciple recorded in the gospels.Rebecca,Naomi,Susanna were all important Jewish heroines.I know a certain turn a quarter into a dime or the one before him made a point of not giving credit to the Godly women of the Word.Again I suggest an in-depth study of the Gospel of Mary Magdeline and a thorough analysis to show themselves approved unto God through the complete gaining of His complete wisdom.
  • The Doctor
    Now you in Uabez can see what you weren't receiving versus samples of what you needed to be taught.This is why God wants His truth taught.When I say that God doesn't want an entertainer hopefully you can see what I mean.No nonsense just the truth delivered through diligent study and closeness to He who was not born of any outside source.
  • The Doctor.
    16.The perfect Savior answered Phillip,"Before anything visible to them becomes manifest,the Majesty and the sanctuary are within Him He envelopes the entire creation and nothing envelopes Him,He is completely spiritual.So He is wise,understanding,reflective,rational and powerful.These are sinliar potencues-tgey are the sources of the cosmic manifestation.And their entire progression from the beginning to end came with His foresight-tge Eternal Unborn Creator."18."I have come from the Eternal in order to tell you everything.The Great Spirit was the Creator,with the power of creating and designing form and structure.This allowed the treasure hidden within Him to be manifested.19.Because of His mercy and His love,He wanted to bear fruit from Himself-so He would not be alone in His opulence.Thus,other spirits from the transcendental generation could manifest body and seed,glory and honor,with immortality within His infinite grace.20.His treasure was thus manifested by the Unborn Original Person-the Creator of all things verdant ING and that which was manifested afterward.But they hadn't yet become manifest.So there was a big divergence among the immortals."22."Everything that comes from the mortal will perish,because it came from the perishable.But that which comes from the Eternal never perishes,but becomes indestructsble.Many people have lost because they didn't know this divergence,and they perished."24,"Arise from the unseen to the margins of those thsf are seen,and the emergency of wisdom will reveal to you that trusting in that which is unseen is found among those who are seen-those who belong to the Unborn Creator.The beginning of all understanding is the Truth.Ehen you submit your frail mind to the Truth then you will truly be unblinded and born anew in the Truth.
  • The Doctor
    And if you didn't understand the electrodes then it showdown you must be taught in the true Word.You are the electrodes or the positive created energy of our Father.Do you understand now?This is the beginning of all understanding.Protons are negative energy cells as neutrons are neutral.You are living organisms to serve yourselves or your beautifying Father who loves you with a love beyond mortal understanding of the Word.
  • The Doctor
    Study to show yourself approved in the eyes of the Lord,your sole master.If you have learned these sayings or the teachings directly from the source of all truth then you shall be worthy of your inheritance.This is why you must be taught lest you remain ignorant of the eternal truth.Entertainers entertain.Teachers teach and teach the truth that you the electrodes before your beginning,must be taught so that you may draw closer to the Kingdom.
  • The Doctor
    For this reason I say,if the owners of a house know that a thief is coming,they will be on guard before the thief arrives and will not let the thief break into their house(their domain) and steal their possesions.As for you,then,be on guard against the world.Prepare yourselves. With great strength,so th e robbers can't find a way to get to you,for the trouble you expect will come.Let their be a person among you who understands.Through a clear mind and heart you too can be kept on the straight path unto the beginning.The beginning is the end and if you persevere you shall know both and know w that they are one and the same.For I am the Alpha and t he Omega,the beginning and the end.Know this and accept it as the eternal truth that it is and you shall know not death.
  • The Doctor
    Congratulations to the one who stands at the beginning:that one will the end and will not taste death."safety the Master and Redeemed.Jesus said"Congragulations to the one who came into being before coming into being.If you become my disciples and pay attention to my sayings,these stones will preserve you.For there are five trees in Paradise for you:they do not change,summer or winter,and their leaves do not fall.Whoever knows them will not taste death"Do you know what Jesus meant?Have you been taught the true message and meaning?Have you had well paid false prophets deceiving you in the name of God for their own hypocritical sake?Have you the truth from its source or just mumbling of a goat that pastures with the deceived?What is unknown is being made known and what is buried in your souls is being unearthed.In these last days the world is being exposed for the trap it has always been.The hypocrites are being unearthed in all their ignorance. and those who know God through His infinite wisdom and being are here to bring the true wisdom of the Almighty to the otherwise foolish of heart and deceived.....
  • The Doctor
    Jesus said"Perhaps people think that I have come to cast peace upon the world.They do not know that I have come to cast conflicts upon the earth:fire,sword,war.Gospel of Thomas verse16.Chapter 1.Do you know whAt Jesus was saying to the disciples and to you....these things were said to let each man and woman prove themselves as either a sheep or a goat so that each might be k own for their true identity which the Father already knows for their is nothing unknown that will not be known and nothing buried that shall not be unearthed.This I promise you.
  • The Doctor
    If you want to support the work of God than your tithes should be used to keep a real churches doors open so that honest teaching of God's Word can continue.
  • The Doctor
    Everything I teach lines up with God's Word so I don't believe there is any atmosphere of confusion created in my teachings.As to my focus on the Gospel of Thomas most of which concentrates on what Jesus said before His ascension.I feel that teachings centered around the Son of God's exact words are the most profound.There obviously is no higher authority than God Himself as to His feelings and thoughts.Every chance I get to teach the Word of God I quote His only begotten Son each time.You want to learn about God then get the wisdom from God Himself.
  • The Doctor
    This is how a church should be r un.Firm and Biblically correct fundamental teaching.A tea her teaches.An entertainer entertains.God wants His will taught on all subjects related to the daily walk in this world.
  • The Doctor
    As to the divorce from 12 years ago my advice on that is if God doesn't put it together than it is ripe to be rent asunder.We both were happy to be on our own and we had a good 5 and a half years but like Eve said it is time to let go and move on..When two people realize they are in need of separate lives as we both did then it is only healthy spiritually to separate..I wanted her happiness above all else.We found it on two divergent paths.Again if God d didn't put it together you are going to feel it.Divorce is a Biblical exit.As Jesus understood,there is a time when one or both are put away.The term put away means neglected,frustrated,or in a more modern translation unfulfilled in the pairing of the twain.God wants a healthy relationship.Ours wasn't.Eve was beau fitful inside and out but she just felt she needed a different path than mine.I listened and let her go.It was the best for us both..You never stop loving them but when it is not God ordained it just won't last and the longer it weeks by t he more unhealthy for both it becomes.
  • The Doctor
    God wants a real man not a bozo in the pulpit like so many of these meely mouthed wimps.Necktie stroking geeks.Most of fhem need a cheerleading squad to holler amen or hallelujah every time they say something mostly retarded.Bunch of fleecers.A teacher should never take a salary.God will provide outside of a salary through the offering plate.Oral Roberts used to say if I need money I just break new ground.Hypocrites.Let me put my hand on a piece of paper and trace it.Now I am going to mail it out to all you holy Joes and Jills.You send it back in the envelope I send out with it including your sizeable contribution to my holy nest egg and when I get them I am going to hold my original up and you yahoos are going to be blessed with all your needs.What a load of garbage.You want to be blessed then do what God asks of you.Quit rebelling.All of you do it.You think God is an idiot.He tells you to do something and what do you do,rebel..then fail completely....then come crying and slobbering down the aisle.I blew it again God.Yeah...what's new.
  • The Doctor
    As to this new word that is circulating amongst most idiots going about dragging their knuckles behind their behind,identify.Well God gave me enough of His infinite wisdom to tell you imbeciles that if you can reach down and feel a handful you are more than likely going to be able to identify as a male but if not and there is nothing there,well guess what Einsteins,you are more than likely going to be able to Id yourself as a female.God is not the author of confusion.Now yes there are hermaphrodites but that is very rare and that can be cured with an addition or subtraction of the extra equipment.These clowns go,I don't know what to identify with.Yeah,well I do,an idiot.I never lived during Sodom and Gamara but it couldn't have been worse than these modern Three Stooges.Well actually most of these folks make the Three Stooges look like brain surgeons in comparison.Then people go around whining.Why are they all so perverted.It is everywhere.Well one thing all you Wimps for Jesus have the backbone of jellyfish.If you see this crap in public then call it out.It is your duty as a Christian.God can really use you holy wimps.I'll get my head cut off for Jeeesuss and you can't even go to a bar with a handful of tracts and bring the message of salvation to a bunch of drunks.They might beat you up or spit on you.Oh my goodness.So effective.Put on your armor and fight the good fight.
  • The Doctor
    I always laugh at these idiots in my teaching.These characters go about claiming God made me gay.Elephantshit!!!! ,!,!God made a man and then a woman.He gave them the means to procreate.He knew they would fall prey to sin.He knew all that would be.Then t these perverts come along with their idiotic lie.We aren't here because two people with the same anatomy got together in an act of love or lust for that matter.Idiots.I think I'll go out and caress my fencepost.Might even marry it.M makes as much sense as this same sex crap.I mean Lucifer loves it.We all turn queer than it's game over for the human race.These bozos are Godly but they can't even say queer.Hah.What does queer mean.Strange,weird,perverted.Their is the truth.Only one way and that is God's way.The Adam and Eve blueprint.Thank God He created the woman.One of the best things He ever did,especially in the case of one in particular.Did an A1 job sculpting perfection there.
  • The Doctor.
    These clowns go around placing hands on the afflicted's head and start carrying on.That is not healing.It's a crapshow.You have a drug addict.Throw the garbage in the toilet and pull the handle and keep it out of your body.Tell me how you feel in a month.That's what God wants.Quit turning to synthetic means and turn your face to God.You have a problem.Turn to the Almighty.You want to be healed then quit polluting your temple.You have to overcome the things of this world to get healed and fulfilled in God.God is not Monte Hall and He doesn't make a deal.You want t o be healed then prove it.Prove into God.You can't pollute your body and have God.Won't work.
  • The Doctor
    It is amazing to me that people can't understand the correlation between the lions in the lions den and Daniel.Now the devil is described as a lion walking about seeking whom he might devour and thus you have several lions in a small area and one prophet.God has dominion over Satan and this was illustrated in this particular recounting of Daniel's tribulation.God held their mouths shut.God candidate same for the lion whom seeks to devour you too.God can wield those traveling jaws shut so as to spare you being devoured by the lion of hell.Remember nothing that Satan can do is not sent through God first for God has all the might and authority over all creation even bell.Call upon Him and He will take the appetite of the lion that seeks to feast on your soul.
  • The Doctor
    Also I would reading up on the censored last chapter of Acts,Acts 29.Paul didn't just sit in a prison house outside Rome waiting to lose His head for the Lord.He went to Ispanola and Brittania to bring the good news to those lost souls and build up what is now the main church in London.Read it and retain the knowledge therein.Insight into all the gospels creates a clearer awareness of God.
  • The Doctor
    And for a sample let's look at the importance of studying to show thyself approved.The only way to draw close to God is to know Him through His Word.When you hear or see a deviation from His Word or blueprint than get up.and haul out.The Holy Spirit will make you feel very uncomfortable if you are exposing yourself to false doctrine.Study His Word.In this way you will always know the goats from the sheep.Do not let your ears be tickled with false doctrine.God is immutable.He does not change His stance.People do.Not God.Your dose of God delivered teaching for today and no,no gyrating and disappearing people acts,just God inspired teaching.
  • The Doctor
    Get ready to drive to Somerset for the new up from the ashes Jabez Tabernacle where there is no two stepping to salvation,doing the jig for the Lord,mumbling and hand gyrating just me sitting in an easy chair teaching you and the world through video broadcast the Word and giving God exactly what He wants and no foolishness.Countdown is on .Location is picked and set so just need a little more time and its going to be the New Jabez Tarbernacle making up for all the nonsense of the past misadventures.I know quite a few of you are going to read this and I hope to see you there including a really special person.I guarantee you that if you do show up you won't have your time wasted with a .retarded mumbler and tap dancer!Now the Doctor is in,no b.s. just straight talk..
  • The appointed
    Just a quick note the new Babes Church will not be located in Jabez but in Somerset.It will still honor the community of Jabez in its new title.The newly reformed church will finally honor God and t he founder of the old Babes Missionary Church which in recent years this failed church refused to do in any manner.Everyone is invited to see how a real church run by God and a real man of God functions.There will be true teaching of God's word and not dancing,carousing about,abusing women,and mumbling to God with baby talk or any other such bull.The space for the new Babes Church is selected and. within two weeks or perhaps three should be up and operational.I again apologize as I thought that this location of t he old desecrated and failed church would be the location but again it had to be a case of spitting God again unfortunately.Anyway,stay tuned.I will be in touch as to when you can come and see how a real church operates as I know that is the obvious desire of most and not the nonsense of the old Babes Missionary Church of the Devil.....
  • kimberley
    I just would love to see a true servant of God in the pulpit.A man that when he teaches sends chills down your spine when you feel the power of God being administered in that small country church.I miss that real God felt gospel feeling.No dancing and game playing just the delivery of God in His all His bright and blinding glory.Hope we all out Jabez can witness that before too long but I suppose locked doors will be the standard....
  • Mona
    They never knocked on my door either but I was hoping that they would have as I had my disco record ready to go and wanted to learn t he two step to the gloryland....I also could have learned how to not please God by twisting His Word around and making Him very angry too.....maybe ....and then I could have come out to 91 Richardson and seen a bunch of whisker faced weirdos running around desecrating God's hallowed grounds.I might even have seen that wonderful Godly man Howard Burton come back at God's will and kicked all their less than righteous a###es....Now that I would love to see.That would be worth the drive.....and then see a real teacher and humble servant of the ALmighty and most beautiful being ever in that newly turned back over t o God after all these years pulpit for some true teaching of the King of all creations divine and true beautiful Word.....
  • Anna
    If you speak English then God will speak to your mind in English.He ain't the author of confusion and I know for sure He ain't going go go baaaaabbboooyyyooouurrrgggeeaaahhh to you and I reckon if you do all that mumbo jumbo back to Him then He will probably correct you on the error of your ways or say go to a teacher that teaches My Word correctly as I reckon He wants what is best for each of His children....not a miseducation...
  • Richard
    I am still waiting for those knock on your door visitations,one that would involve knocking on my door and asking me am I saved.Then asking me to c some and see the circus complete with crazy old ladies and dancing and mumbling to God who even though I may not be an expert on the Bible am sure God is not going to understand as it is babble and God usually communicates in a language that the recipient can understand as God is not the author of confusion.He also does not promote foolishness.He also and these church leaders may not get it want His temple defiled.Read the account of Jesus and his rage toward the money changers and the desecration of His Father's temple.A visit to my house,which never occurred would have been quite an education in how God really feels and I am sure I would have demonstrated to our Father my study in His Righteous Word and been more than approved in His beautiful and glorious eyes as is my desire.I could have also done a quick magic trick too.I could make a dime turn into a quarter and made a ding a ling that lacks knowledge in God and his will disappear probably very doggone quickly.Proof.....
  • Delmus
    Well I reckon they didn't handle any snakes out there or so I think.There is that to say good.I wished I hadn't missed a sex nut and especially a Houdini though.You don't see a church like circus like this too often,well actually hardly ever to my reckoning.Ha ha.It is some funny stuff though.Crazy old ladies,Amish fakers,clowns with suits,doggone it had it all.I hope they get this going up again.It sure enough sounds like a real Hollywwod deal to me.Aint too much fun what with closed doors and no sideshow going on...
  • Jeff
    When they set up the Heavenly Acres Junkyard that I guess Jerry the Godly Godfather will his adopted headaches working in free of course I will be able to bring them some of these old tires and this refrigerator I hope for a tax deduction.They probably can clean the fridge up and ship it over to the Let's Gather our junk up Place and make some tax free pieces of silver off of it so old long whiskers can have some more fun money for him and his Little House yoyo grifters.I don't know about eating at the pizza place if he buys it though.I want a cheeseburger made with cow meat and not the neighborhood to cat.I wouldn't trust his kooks in the kitchen.Just saying.I will hard pass on his junk store too.I can't spend two days outside the trailer after I let a few bug bombs off.If he needs help rounding up the loose chickens,goats,and crazy kids going up and down Richardson I am available for a good wage.I think I can still catch up to a herd of crazy foreign kids running wild in diapers I think....
  • Jim
    I guess old Jerry Corleone could always go east and venture out of Jabez and buy Mill Springs Pizza.I guess if old conman did he would give it a new Christian shingle like the Slice of Heaven and link it to the orphanage they are going to ransacked the personage with so he could 503c it and keep all the dough.Ha ha.I bet he'd have his loonies workin in the back charring the food and grabbing possums and cats that strayed into the kitchen as that is how they do it over at the other Mel's Diner ripoff 503c junkhole......
  • Nicholas
    🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐂🐂🐂🐂🐂🐂🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐤🐤🐤🐤🐤🐤 running loose and add 🔞🚭🚼🚹🚺📵🚮🚹.WhAt have you got, a fake Amish mess!!!,,in good old Jabez..
  • Robin
    I just hope these fake Amish aren't going to be trotting their wagons out Nancy.I mean are we going to have to look at a parking lot full of horsecrap out here at I.G.A.Bad enough to have to deal with these local jailbait but are we going to add throwbacks into the mix.All because of a failed church that was half run by a bunch of baboons!!,!😤😤😤😤😤😵😵😵😵🐓🐓🐓🐂🐂🐂🐂🐂!!!,,,
  • Jenny
    We don't call people that visit names at Brother Devlin's church.We have a pastor that teaches us the word of God and isn't trying to be a television evangelist and Michael Jackson mix.I don't believe he blows bubbles or saws women in half either.There's that.Our leaders aren't senile and obviously devil possessed imbeciles.You know if these clowns had realized that running a church is not the same as running a circus they might have the doors still open and not chucking a nice church in the garb age can.Really is tragic in so many ways.I mean who needs to have a church that practices like they are trying out for an audition of the Bozo show.Good grief.Talk about foolishness in God's house.I have never been there but I figure I didn't miss anything.
  • Penny I.
    The locked doors and the fact that they are giving the church away to rogues kind of illustrates what everyone on here has posted.Kind of let's us all know what. a dumpster fire this church has been and I guess I could say still is.
  • Brother Samuel Devlin
    I have read most all of these posts and I am amazed that one church and its poor leadership could create such havoc in a community.I knew Brother Howard not so much personally as by name and reputation.He more than likely would be ashamed of the way his widow and these persons have ransacked this fine church.A lot of us knew the man by his labors and ministry and it is downright shameful that his life's work would be shot to the bottom of the ocean like this.I don't see how a group of people,the elders could not manage a small country church and let it sink into a quagmire like this.It is so pathetic.Of all things wreck God's house and then just decide to quit playing church midstream.What nonsense!!!!
  • Lenny
    Man you would think of all places a church would not have racism.Lester my friend and felloew believer know that these were and are not true followers of Jesus my friend in the faith.Calling a brother monkey man in a church?Man this just ain't right at all.No wonder they closed down my blood.You all are just ridiculous.
  • Burt
    I am just sorry Lester that these crazies treated you like it was 1862.I want you to know you are welcome out at My.Victory brother any time you want to come out and worship with us.We won't have this kind of nonsense about.It doesn't matter what color you are my brother in Christ.These were just a bunch of demon possessed hoodlums is what it sounds like to me.No Christian is going to say and do to you these kind of hateful deals.God is the God of all mankind.I just hope Lester that you don't judge all churches by this outfit of rogues.Hopefully you will come on out here and join us in the worship of our Father my brother in the faith.
  • Ellen
    My church has never done any of these things.This is so sad.Of course we are open to all people and don't retain a pastor that neither dances or mumbles to or for God.I do not believe we are the kind of church that would ever suffer from any of this kind of foolishness.I have been in attendance for ten years and have never had anything like this to say about our small but beautiful little country church.Our trustees are all within the range of forty to sixty eight years old so I should say I would not think they are candidates for dementia.I would feel embarrassed if anyone in my church or community had been moved to this much angst over the church.I am sorry for these people and the fact that this church was so devil possessed it would seem.No one should ever have their church or a house of God fall into this shape.As a Christian I find it sickening that we have enough filth and greed in the world without you poor souls having witnessed this foolishness in your own church.From my reading the elders should have called a community meeting long before it got this pathetic.All I can do is thank God that obviously God intervened in this disgrace and I hope for the sake of all of you will do so again.
  • Lester Williams
    I went out there one time and I guess because I was dark skinned most of the people being lighter skinned treated me awful.I guess they might have been racist.I swear I heard someone say monkey man.I knew I wasn't wanted there and as soon as church let out I left.I thought God was the God of all folks and not just light skinned people.Terrible feeling is what I felt and it should not have been that way.I just wanted to stop in a church and this one looked descent but boys it sure wasn't that.Hate filled people and cold natured.
  • Pastor Dan L.
    I find it shameful that a church would embarrass itself to this degree.A church should always be excellent advertising for our Heavenly Father and not a comedy house or a place for actors and depraved souls to abuse God's holy pulpit.My heart is saddened by such foolishness.Woe unto these people that would defile God's house in this manner.It is a pity and sickening to my heart and soul.Never should a church create such an atmosphere of hatred in a community.God is not of hate but love and to inspire such a church and it's leaders is a travesty of all God is.
  • Angela
    Booboobeeeruupl...I am speaking the heavenly language.If you don't understand it no worries I reckon the saints do or so it was stated by the tv show preacher guy.I look forward to driving by and seeing Lamont out in the yard too.Tucker and Kooks religious heavenly slightly used junk.Duh duh duh duh now get an Aunt Esther in the mix and this junkhole will really be cooking out here Jabez,New home of the Godly cons.
  • Larry
    I like the Lamont deal you all brought up.He woould fit in with Jerry Corleone Tuckers weirdos for sure.This place sure has had its share of weirdos,sex,fiends,and magic ding a lings.I have never seen a supposed to be Godly business that has had so many depraved weirdos and conmen associated with it.Most of us out here call it the Jabez Circus.I remember once they tried to get the village rip out here into church.She went around telling us all about them coming to see her and her shack job.Funny as f.What a joke.We all got a real laugh outta these clowns especially the magic man.That clown was a riot.I am going to save Jabez.Yea right with what your crapshow.I guess the plan was to save us from a psychoreligious head case.Well you did by getting thrown out on your hind end.Thanks and thanks for this fake crap coming in.
  • Rick
    The Loss of your Life should be more like it.I have eaten better cardboard than what Kerry's kooks burn back in that ripoff sheltered tax break joint.Kinda reminds me of Mel's Diner what with the dumb Greene's and the crazy foreign orphan kids running around the ripoff joint.Sheesh...I had to drink three bottles of Pepto after the first and my last visit.When in Liberty go to Pizza Hut or Lee's..
  • Richie
    I ordered a lifesize Lamont Sanford cardboard display for the so called church yard.Where do I drop it off?I figure since this place is going to be turned into a fake Amish dump this would be my contribution,tax deductible of course.Got to beat Ceasar you guys know that though as you all are pros at the shelter and tax dodge game.I am looking at an old beat up 40s model Ford truck up north too.Go with the new junkyard church look the kooks will create.Loose chickens,goats,refrigerators,and old car tires strewn all around.Godly litter.
  • Anne
    I wonder if the sex fiend or magic bubble preacher are available.Our church over here at Duke Memorial needs their entertaining capabilities.Doing the jig for Jesus sounds so funny and the mumbling to God?was so rich.You all are so funny.No wonder though.The way things are going for a lot of us Southern Baptists we may giving our churches to this Godly trickster and his rogues.I showed the gals out church this stuff and we were laughing so hard.This stuff is so good.I loved the Godly Godfather deal.A lot of us did.You gals and guys out Jabez are a riot.I am sorry about the church and this newest raw deal though.Honestly.I figured this Tucker character was a ripoff myself.I used to go over to Liberty and eat at the Cafe.Me and my friends knew the Life was a disaster.We ate downtown at the Cafe like I said.The owner passed away but she ran a clean restraint with well cooked meals and a really friendly environment.I don't recall it being over in with kooks and the food was never charred to a crisp.We all usually only stopped in Liberty rarely on the way to Campbellsville so it wasn't a day long shopping event there.You know no Wal Mart or any real name brand stores.Just a small quaint hillbilly little backwards town.I never really thought of this guy and the Amish using it as an ATM machine until these truthful and insightful posts.These are really eye opening.I now see the real score with Liberty.I never was much on this Amish junk anyhow so nothing really changed there honestly.I figured they were fakes.These little junkyard stores I guess are part of it too I would reason then.
  • Delmus
    If you go over to Liberty avoid that Last Meal in Life 503c disaster old Jerry half runs over there.My first trip was my last trip to this reenactment of Mel's Diner😵!Greene's all around and crazy foreign kooks pretending to cook meat in the back.I ordered a New York Strip and the ding a ling waitress brought me out something that looked like they used a flamethrower on it.Smelled like a dead cat.Knowing this bunch it probably was.Cheaper cut of meat .I told them stick it in their nether regions and me and the wife left that junkhole.If you go to Liberty play it safe and eat at Pizza Hut and Lee's.They don't bring in crazy kooks and serve you God His self only knows what it was so darned burned I couldn't tell.This tax con is a whisker faced idiot.They all tell you he is so popular over here.Yeah right!!😵 A Damon conniving ripoff like his fake outfit of obvious fleecers.The Gathering Place is another of his sheltered jokes.Bedbug ridden hillbilly crap.Buy anything there and call Orkin or let off two days worth of bug bombs!!!We all know better in Liberty.Only fans he has is naive so called Christian fakers and rubes.That and old dumb senile one foot in the grave bozos sitting around drooling on themselves in a coffee can they probably keep tied around their turkey looking neck.Guy ain't worth even a wooden nickel.They bring more money on EBay than t his tax scamming jerk and his bozos.
  • Jim
    Anybody on here know how much a horse and buggy cost nowadays.One with that worldly colored big triangle on the back?
  • Thomas
    I told the old lady let's go over to Liberty and visit that junkyard tax sheltered Christian shingles restraint.I wanted to see if the kooks he brings o Dr from the 503c orphanage can boil a pan of water.That was what one of put up here.I was going to see if the Amish wannabe would hire my old lady.She don't talk f foreign cept when she uses that heavenly baby talk stuff old magic geek boy taught them churchgoers.Bababaooobabrreiioouu and a y to go too.
  • Brenda
    They do sell a lot of that yellow bottled ointment with an applicator tiip out at Teddy's.It may be coincidence but I know the Buckeye navy guys do visit t heh store quite often as do the toothless locals of the same DNA background or so the O hi o crowd loves to claim.A lot of past Jabez church members came out their too.May just all be coincidence.Dunno.I guess all the neighbors will be buying said product after the Godfather Tucker and his underlings set up out at the tax sheltered former ATM for bubble blowers an d sexual questionables.I wonder can the bearded Godfather of the faker set blow bubbles and play houdini?Maybe he can do the jig for Jesus and mumble the heavenly infant talk all at the Sam e time.I mean he might want to try his conniving hand at the pulpit you know.It is already 501cd.Could bring in another thug preacher or sex maniac.It would be par for the course as of late.You should only have one woman unless your me I suppose.I talked at length with the Master and He said well Samuel had a whole concubine so green light go.You know it is Jabez so there is that.I don't think Godliness has ever been too much in play here.
  • Dana
    Next time you potted. beer bellied nasty Buckeyes are mouthing about the Jabez locals,inbred and all that garbage,I will ask you lot if you are going to Amishtown with your fat wallets.You probably won't get the inside joke as you out of towners never do played outs.Believe me you guys are easier than the Oakwood dummies.I showed one of the Ohio idiots all my teeth and said now you feel like being such a [email protected] him up.I told the girls in the store start opening y our mouth and showing these jerks from Ohio a full set of real teeth.Buckeyes are such morons.Personally I don't want to run you losers out of Babes what would we all do for giggles and such without al you Ohio losers well maybe pull out by the fake Babes church and watch the fake Amish crossbow.
  • Richie
    I wish you all would w ear your short shorts all day instead of them long granny dresses.I mean I know it is part of the fake deal act but really....You all got nice legs.Good German descended stock and all that jazz.I know you can't go natural until the elders say it is after ten and the dumb rubes and Buckeyes are gone.I remember that one player that used to drive the Porsche.She was a hot number.We used to have to keep it hidden.She'd bring that home brewed beer that her outfit would make.Good stuff.Beat Bud light.You know none of that sissy beer garbage.Put hair on the chest.She used to tell me about all these dumbutts falling for this jive.We would both get a kick out of it.Little cutie too.Looked fine in shorts and her hair hanging down.She used to say you know I hate having t o ride those darned bicycles but the leaders say hey you got to play it straight you know.Me I figured I wouldn't mind as long as you wore your short shorts you know and not the granny dress fake deal.She was a hoot.
  • Melinda
    Believe me it is all a scam.Several of the Amish and Menonite women fakers have written books on this scam crap.The bonnets are really hot and the long dresses feel good coming off in the summer and sliding into the Daisy Dukes is a relief.You just have to f2f it when the elders say green light.Personally,it is kind of a fun fetish you know,what with playing the idiot Greene's and those dumb Ohio clowns.The idiots really fall for this claptrap.I mean I have stood in the store at work and tried not t o laugh at all these dumba$$ed tourists mainly from Ohio.Always going on about hillbilly idiots with two teeth and inbreeding.Then they act all superior and mouth off about us gamers.I am thinking what a bunch of played retards.Uh,like dude and dudettes that ten dollar jam is like Save a Lot with a resticker on the jar.Morons.You idiots really are s o gullible.It is like in my mind and the other girls,why don't you go play out on Lake Cumberland with your toy boat Gilligan wannabe.Thank God they can't read minds and are too stupid to figure out who the layers versus the played are here.My old man and our friends get a kick out of all these dummies.He usually hoists one back and says they really bought that horse and plow crap.It does save e on diesel though.Looks good to the Buckeye stooge too.Hahaha....I mean really...what a lot of Americans will fall for...
  • N.C.
    After ten we are going to let it all hang out.Usually how the fake Amish play it.Bring out the newer Corvette from the locked garage behind the Amish house.I know.I have seen it back in the 80s.Bring it up to one of their women and after so many denials they know they and their Ingalls shucksters are nailed to the cross....Just northerners that come south to the sticks to play the tourists and ignorant hillbillies.....believe me...
  • Nicholas
    Forget rending it to Ceasar or any other jerkbait.Rend it unto thy back bibbed overall pocket.
  • N.C.
    The Godafther of Liberty is now the Godly Godfather of the metropolis of Jabez,hmhmhmhm.I suppose his Amish fake stooge cronies will be running about enforcing his rules from their buggies.Get the t shirt off and those short pants Heather and put thyself on a Dickies work outfit l,long sleeved of course lest they condemn thyself and our estrogen crazed females to hell for all eternity.Oh my!!!!, 😈😈😬🆒 .Then a quick trot down to Teddys to deal with these short shorts up to their crack country honeys.Long dresses lest they harlots send thyselves and these whisker faced shysters into the fiery furnace.Oh my!!Jane's will keep liken unto Liberty in that it might become a secretive,sexually repressed community of seething repressed hormone charged grifters.Oh my!!!Granny dresses and long sleeves tend to make folks a bit sexually maligned and depressed too.After all God made women to cover it all up according to Kerry's three stooges philosophy and such.Showers not those lovely long gams lest you turn on one of these fakers except after 10 o clock when our men and especially townsfolk let it all hang out.I know as I have witnessed some good parties in Netherlands.After ten when the ignorant rubes,cornshucks,and Buckeye loser tourists are not around and have been thoroughly fleeced of their pieces of silver......
  • Linda
    You zu gonna put Babes up as your personal atm machine Jerry the God fearing Godfather.You za gonna set up the same tax sheltered racket like a the one you za got goin with your fakers over in a Liberty.Who za needa the gubermint which when you too busy giving them a screwing over and blessed be in a name a our Heavenly Father.
  • Gene
    Let me when Jerry Corleone and his Amish Mafiosos get here at the grounds that shall soon be even less hallowed than they ever were before.I will sit out in the parking lot and play the Godfather theme song.I wonder if to be a recruit for these IRS cheaters you have to be good at extorting Buckets dummies and the local wimpy naive rubes and hayseeds.You think he may keep the church scam thing and shuck the money out of the local idiot defences like they have done.I wonder if he will bring back that geeky looking magic punk college wimp or maybe the skirt and t and a crazy sex fiend these clowns used as the churches atm machine years past.Ran a great con just like the Amish fake Godfather.I wanna tell you I ma gonna first right in with this rogue tax beating bunch of Jabez connects in the name if God losers.I wanna tell you they are my kinda dirty dealers.The 501c game is my kinda IRS beating play too.Like I said maybe I can join the God fearing Godfather in bib overalls and his gang of chicken chasing rogues and Little House scammers.Yeah.....
  • Becky
    Heavenly Acre Junk Dealers.I can see it now.503c exempt,Christian title and all.Jerry Corleone,the good gospel trickster knows all the familiar angles.Wait,maybe the church will be a fake Amish Wal Mart with all its outdated dollar store spices and junk with new restickered Amish labels on it.Tricking in the name of God Ingalls style.I am waiting to see the signs for the fake made in China fake hand sewn by the Chinese assembly line workers quilt show tax umbrellas fun money raising quilt show.What a tax exempt and sheltered 503c tax dodge.Fleecing the good dummies all in the name of God.Wonder if the sex freak and Houdini will buy a fake quilt or two to help out old conman Jerry and his throwback fakers.Hmmmm....
  • Lisa
    Abra cadabra and they all disappeared in lauding the dancing nuthouse magic preacher......poof......what a bunch of weirdos....
  • Lynn
    Hey Lamont where'd we put that cross steeple thing used to be on the old church roof??Tell old conman he needs to round up those loose goats going down Richardson full blast....
  • Roger
    Bunch of losers!!!What kind of an idiot or idiots fail at running a small time hillbilly church .How stupid can they be???I guess some of those kids lwill be Puerto Rican so the loose chickens and Billy go a t-shirt will create a home like atmosphere.Good old fake grey beard and his tax con schemes.What a trickster.I am betting the place will look like Sanfordand Son in less than a month.Be a holy junkyard.Probably put a cardboard cutout of Lamont out in the church junkyard yard.Put a sign out heavens junkhole.Yeah I remember Burton and he would be knocking heads together on this screwing to Jabez.Giant load of Godzilla sized horsecrap is what this deal is.I guess the idea is keep looking Three Stooges to all of the religious community.Bunch of jokes and losers.
  • Larry
    I enjoyed the service today.It was so fulfilling.Sitting in an empty parking lot and looking at a locked up church and personage is really a way to worship the Almighty.Thanks church nuts and Houdini preacher.All us in Jabez really are enjoying attending your closed and locked out door services.Now the fakers coming next.Can it get any better for God and this community.You all are so Godly you know????Not.
  • Jesse
    I got a fake China quilt to sell at their ripoff scam auction.Wonder how much old whiskers and his crew of Dodgers can rake in on this raw deal.Ripping off gullible yahoos and tourists is their game you know.One day God is going to get a hold of them though.Maybe sooner than they think.Probably on this deal too.
  • Lydia
    Poor Brother Howard.A fine preacher.He was a God sent man of God.I hope he can't know what has happened to this church.Shameful.I can't believe that Sister Be a and the others would pull this kind of devilish nonsense.Of all things to give away a lifetimes work and to a bunch of ripoffs.Heaven help this deal.No one wants a bunch of hoodlums in suspenders and crazy kids running amok in our quiet community.WhAt a joke.
  • Tina
    I saw some buggies out there so I guess the kooks and crazy orphans are already in Dodge City.Whoopie!!!#!😈😠🚮Great job church losers.Way to totally destroy a community and church.Hope God doesn't pour it on you depraved yoyo too badly but after the way you all dragged His righteous name through bell and back He probably will rain heavenly fire down and it would be just too.Bunch of hypocrites and that includes the cheats and the Amish Mafia too.
  • Gene
    I guess they are going to pull one of those quilt auction scams on the church grounds.Old grey whiskers and his stooges are probably getting low on fun money.Sell their made in China quilts for a kings ransom as always.There are plenty of snooks with deep pockets as this phony ripoff church proved.I was one of them.Brother Howard was a fine man of God.Built a solid church and worked until he couldn't get in the pulpit anymore.Man put everything he had into this church.Then came the sex maniacs and tv preacher idiots and such.Slapped the man and God in the face figuratively.His widow was a good woman just guillible.Let the church crazies influence her poor decisions.Give away a lifetime of hard work after letting hoodlums ruin the church.Pathetic.Yes,Brother Howard if he could come physically back to life would probably be sick at all that has been done.Old grey whiskers would probably have a sore hind end and knots all over his conniving skull out of the deal too.The worst part is that a real man of God is on standby to pull the church out of the dumpster that a dancing jackass and sex lunatic put it in and these losers are giving a lifes work in Christ cheats and thugs in overalls.Beats all. I apologize to God and Brother Howard for the shenanigans that have been done here.Shame!!!!!,
  • G.
    Hell they are going to get a payment due Bill from me for all the money they snookered out of me to pull this garbage!!!!So the old birds lost their minds.Should have put them in The living room and let some younger Godly people take over.Yeah,and not these damned weirdos they are so bent on aggravating us all out here with.Bunch of bull.Probably wind up burning down McGownan's barn or something what with bringing all these crazy kids in the personage.You know old ripoff Tucker.If you don't you aren't missing anything.Well maybe a modern Al Capone or Dom Corleone in suspenders.Bread of Life.Crappiest tax scam restraint you ever ate at.Gimmick pure and simple.Got a lot of his kooks working there.Most can't even boil water in a pan.Bunch of tax cheats and ding a lings.Jabez really needs this loser and his crew of throwbacks and knuckledraggers.Not.This has never been nothing lately but a farce for God and it is not right.Bunch of devil filled idiot junkies.
  • Benny
    Good riddance to the Three Stooges guy.Hello fakers faking in the name of God.Howard Burton would kick all their a$@es over this deal.He was a real man of God.I remember him and some of the Pottershop crew working in the heat building this building.Man was a saint.Played a mean guitar and sang until chills ran down your body.Man of God.No doubts.I wish he could come back and shake the devil out of these yahoos.I figure a few of them talked his widow into pulling this stunt.I don't want to think she has dementia because otherwise this fine lady would never in her right mind have pulled some of this stuff including the last two idiots.Hello one of them was a sex fiend and the other one was just a plain dam fool.Dancing and mumbling.Hello he ran off almost the whole church.Made a man s o mad as to almost whip him into his senses o over bullying around his sweet young woman.Bad deal is an understatement.I left when Brother Mark was in his last services.I said if he goes then it will probably go lower than whale crampons the ocean bottom and it did.A sex freak and a woman hating bullying lunatic from the nuthouse.God help this church Is all I prayed.Still do.Worked in this church.Put a ton of money into it and time and like the lot of you am mad as hell over it.Bunch of pure ungodly disgusting hypocritical b.s.
  • Ellie
    I remember they had a fried pie sale and it was a couple to three years back.The food was great.I met some of the church people and this goofy looking guy they said was the preacher.I thought is this for real.I reckon he made a living blowing bubbles and doing Houdini stunts on the side.There was an old woman with glasses I believe a Bree was her name.She was I guess the one who everybody is pointing fingers at on this Amish junk.It didn't look like much of a church back then.Hippie looking outfit to me.I am not an old woman but this group looked a little Woodstock to me,all except a little cutie.She was really a solid lady.One of the gals that drove out with me said it was the preacher's's lady.I thought do what?I kept up with the church a little and am not surprised that it went broke.I figured this bubble guy was a spendthrift.Fancy suits and the like.Just my guess.I know the cops got called out cause I remember a girlfriend telling me Norma called them on a molester they were and I think put in as preacher.Bad scene.No real cute guys either,well except one hot number but I think he might have been weird sexually.I was afraid to ask.People are sensitive.
  • Robert
    Well they ran me off for trying to get things right and in order.Put a dancing jackass in the pulpit to teach them all the gifting of mumbling to God....Bababababooooo,the heavenly baby talk.
  • Gene
    Days of our sordid so called church dealings.It is a load of nonsense.Got a preacher ready to run it right and God's way and these old demented nuts are going t o throw it away.Bet the founder is thrilled not to mention God.Pitiful to say the least.Nonsense too.Nobody wants a bunch of game playing bearded kooks and granny looking women running loose in the church grounds.Keep your crazy foreign kids away too.Loose wild farm chickens and goats too.You all ought to just bring in a bunch of sissies and lizzies if you going to ruin God's hallow ground.Makes me sick.Can't run a church right and we all suffer.Got a good preacher ready to take over and what do these ungodly baboons do but shut the doors on him and God too.Nonsense.Nonsense.Nonsense!!!!!!!!
  • Jay B.
    Someone sent me over here to see all this.A bunch of old kooks giving a church to fake Amish tax dodgers.Sounds about pad for the course in Pulaski County,My. Joke of the world.Why don't you all just take a bulldozer to it.I mean you seem hell bent to destroy God's house from what I have read and been told.Is Beacon Hill going to pull this type of stuunt.I think not.If they had a real preacher offering his talents I believe they would jump on it,especially if they knew it was what God wanted.You church leaders got a thing for clowns and tax crooks?Seems like it to me.You all must really think spitting God is the way to draw close to him.What a load of donkey crap.A preacher that vibrates and mumbles,I loved that deal.Sounds like a winner for God.Also a,I think I read correctly abusive and manipulating male ego problem too.How pathetic.I don't know what this woman looked like but this is pitiful.You would think all this could have been avoided by following God's will in running this church clowns.I mean my church,Pleasant Ridge does better than this.I am not as always there but the preacher teaches and he isn't a bully with his woman or other church women.Of course he knows God doesn't like that stupid crap.Sounds like you all had a Satanic deal or a cult to me.I didn't read anybody that felt God in your all's deal out in that hillbilly soap opera outfit.
  • Lisa
    Fake Amish versus God's plan for this church.You ding a lings at this church know how most stand.Get your cheaters on and read.Guy has already been out Teddy's showing the way.You can't tell he has this broken down community energised to pick up our swords and fight for God.We need this guy and God knows it.Heaven sent and not to be a wimp for Jesus but a King David sent to kick butt for God.
  • James
    This character must be an answer to prayers out here.Finally a real man for this church.Now maybe these old biddies can have a little straight talk with Jesus and hopefully the Master can set them straight on how t o respect God Almighty.They have desecrated him enough out here.This guy will and would put a lid on this Tom dickery.I agree with him.It is time t o stand up these desecrated looking idiots running around Jane's and Pulaski County.The guy inspires me to stand up for God even more and His righteousness.Time to get this church open and put a man in the pulpit that will hit these w white thugs upside the head with the truth,God's indisputable truth.No to the fake Amish Tucker crew of idiots and yes to God's game plan for this,His church.Amen.
  • Bridgitte
    I know that I would rather have a real man that can stand up to all these scrawled up depraved idiots running around Pulaski County and standing for decency than have a bunch of tax evading 501c and 503c thugs playing the Little House tax con.This church needs this man and so does the area that is over in with hoodlums with white skin what you can see of it that doesn't have a picture on it.Garbage.A man that will stand up for a woman even those who allow themselves to stay in a sad situation .It is a shame that these morons refuse to put this man in the pulpit and want to rebel against God's wishes.They ought to know that this is the kind of heavy hitter that this church and community has never witnessed.A real man and not some disgusting acting and looking MTV Jenkintown looking little schoolboy.It is nice to know at least one real man exists in this area and not some cartoon little boy that runs around acting like some no morsels esteem hooligan needs t o grow up bafoon.
  • G.
    This guy should have been the pastor about 3 years back.Wow.This church would be my twice a week spot if he had been.You old ding a kings paying attention.Jabez needs this guy in this church.Howard Burton would be proud of this guy.I am sure he is.A bunch of fakers is not what members from the last year's want.Are you all paying attention?Hope so.This is the real deal.I agree with Anna,beautiful women are given to us to be cherished and this guy knows his stuff.It takes a real one hundred percent man of God to know that and this fellow nails it in these posts.
  • Anna
    You sold me.Screw those fakes.You must be in that church.Holy ..I have never read that much straight truth from a preacher ever.What a real man of God.These old nuts are senile if they give this church over to a bunch of losers instead of letting God get you in the pulpit.My oh my.You get those doors open and I am joining Nicholas and the others in the pews.Pulaski County,especially needs to be set straight.It is a dump but you seem to be the man to get it straight.What woman wouldn't love a real man that upholds a mistreated woman and will not watch that kind of junk.No man has a right to say he is godly and be a male bully.Only insecure men bully women.I know because black eyes and beatings are no fun.Some women and I know f or sure have to go through enough to finally say I won't be a punching bag and female dummy to some insecure schoolboy male.I applaud you sir for standing up for God against family,friends,and whoever.That takes total guts.You are rare in this world today.A real gem.Keep fighting for God and keep being this honest.I hope you get in the church soon instead of this bearded goons...
  • Nicholas
    Brother you must be the guy that has been promising to get this church reopened.Hot dog.Preaching like this is one of a kind if those posts were examples of your style.Any man that respects God and a beautiful mistreated woman or women is a real man in my book.You need me to come fight by your side for the sake of God and His will in this church deal then count me in.I too am tired of these hoodlums in Pulaski County and their idiotic spoiled brat crap.Loved the way you pour it on it.Most of these guys?are just little doodled up punks and if they lived to be a hundred and twenty could never be a tenth of the man you seem to be from your posts and the way I read you brother.You make me proud to be a brother in Christ.Amen.
  • Luther
    Buddy when is the doors going to be reopened.That is some real telling it God's way.I have read some of these earlier posts and this church sure needs your style.Pulaski County is a joke.I agree.Painted fingernails guys riding around on sissy bicycles with tiller motors and all that kid stuff is pathetic.I mean if these crazy old ladies?give this church to a bunch of backwards kooks in place of allowing you to do God's will and work then Jabez is screwed over bad.Love your style.Taking up for beautiful women being pushed around,not caring who you upset for the sake of God's will.Got fo be real.A hell of a man to.Wish my son could have been like you.I am hoping God gets you in that church and I tell you what,Jabez will get God delivered like it ain't never had.That sounds better than letting a bunch of nuts destroy what God has built.
  • Jenna
    I have known about this church through a member telling me about it.I am Baptist but what I have read below is right on the mark.I am a woman and if a man jerks me about or disrespects me He will swallow his ego fast and hard.You are from the gist of what I have re ad a real man of God and a butt kicker.You nailed it on this church being misrule.My church would never be run this foolishly.What a way to blast the truth.Only a real man could put it forth so straight.You may have more fans than you realise and if you get this church going again I will visit for this kind of delivery of God's truth.Whew.This is what churches need to be putting in the pulpit.A man that hits you with total honesty.What a deal.I gather you left or are one of t hose that left due to the mistreatment of women or the woman if I am reading all these posts r right.I think most women speaking for myself would adnire you for that.A man of God always respects a true woman.Seems to me you fit the bill.
  • the hard truth
    Also I might add that the way to run a church is in that everything you say lines up with God's word.You have that obligation to God.Also to the other party,you know my feelings.You will read them sooner or later.I said I would say what I had to say and this is the easiest format so so be it.The rest is up to you.Time is running out so consider that.I do what I can..You know what God wants.If we are on the same page than we have the same Holy Spiritual guidance.This church needs a hard man and a real man and well according to God I am it.I have never failed and don't expect too in this mission.Th.e church must be run democratically and under the blueprint of God's guidance.This is the only way.This church failed whenan ego runs it.Again,most of you know who I am and you know how to contact me.If you need the truth face to face that will be easily done.It is my specialty.In at least two cases that needs to happen so again in at least these it is your move.As to anyone else yes my goal is to come to Jabez and I have given you an example of my hard truth.God will take no less.I give out no less.
  • The truth
    By the way if you have any questions I have the answers.And that ought to rename this area Sodom and Samara,although it has already surpassed that in depravity.No it isn't the devil in me because I wouldn't be so mad as hell if it were looking at all this deceit filled 2 bit garbage looking white idiot junk.That is the effect lies,deceit and nonsense,and disgust have a spirit that is from His most Holiness.God right now would vomit if he had a physical body and could at this garbage.If and when any of you cut the crap and get serious with God believe me you will feel his righteous disgust.I know I feel his rage at a lot of you bafoons and imbeciles myself.Sometimes I go out amongst you and have to tell you how disgusting looking a lot of you have made yourself look.Sick in the head morons.How is that for the truth.Yes,it is how God feels.Just like before he drowned the hardheaded fools.You better know He is about had it.The pushing the limit will be answered and I feel for a lot,well the vast majority of you.You can't imagine.Mock me.I don't care.The idiots drowning found out.Hard to laugh when God brings it down full force.A lot don't know but you will and shortly too.Very shortly.This church was to be set a part and it wasn't and God is mad.I am sent to clean up the mess.I will.God will see to it.You have seen my methods.I take no prisoners.God does not take prisoners.Get out of His way or my way or you will be moved.Try Him like some here have done and I guarantee He will lay it on you.Read your Living Word if you need plenty of examples.
  • The truth
    Now I am sure by now it is clear to all involved that God has been made very angry.Pulaski Countians are good at that.Most are natural jerks by messed up DNA.I like God do not care.Time is winding down.This church will serve God's purpose.Stand in his way and you will experience more hell than you can shake a stick at.When God gets angry things move.Believe me He is seething and who could blame him.Th is church is His and it will be run by Him.Fight Him and like Judas it won't be pretty.I like God whom I humbly serve have methods.I am not popular and neither is God.I don't care and He doesn't care.To be like God you have to be like God.I will fight every heathers footsteps in God's way.I will give an account and am giving one for the world to read now.This church is closed and you have read why.To those of you who are angry then take it up with God.Good luck.I promised this church will be run by God.That is His desire and I will die doing my best to give him that which He will have.This better be understood by all.God does not play games.Heatherns do and there are no secrets.The truth is here and those who say they are close to God ha,I know that that is not so.The same Holy energy mindset in a servant of God does not vary from holy saved to truly holy saved.It is the same.Study to show thyself approved.I teach because I am truth.God uses those whom will pour it on those who need a healthy dose of it and I Amman enough for that task.I do not care anymore.The truth,and God is the truth will come out.Their are no secrets.Their are no games.God wants the hard a$$ed truth and it will be delivered as you have seen whomever you may be.This area has gone to help.White thugs and disgraced hoodlums everywhere and God is not happy.He needs to be.The truth does wonders especially when you turn it loose through an uncaring hard case.Most know who I am and congratulations.The rest well you are ignorant.Get mad and know I don't care.The madder you get t when that is the effect the truth creates.See if my master cares.He doesn't.You want to get close to the Almighty,then drop the ego.Cut the selfish greedy carp and focus on God and nothing else.By the way do not try to make a fool or liar out of God.He will drop the hammer on you in more ways than you can imagine.Basically,truly repent or believe me from first-hand experience you will after you get drug through the pits of shell itself.God does not play around.The days are short and He is moving hard and fast.I have done what I was commanded to do.I am already hated by the majority of local idiots,who are mostly depraved,devil possessed morons bent for hell so it matters not.All I can say is that I exist to please my Lord God the Mightiest and I will do so until one of these idiots kills me told I die in His submission.This church like so many failed because everyone was afraid of the truth.If you can't handle the truth then re.examine your salvation.It should be your best friend as it is God.Also if it upsets you then it probably means you are a jerk and a narcissistic jackass.Stop standing on the street corner clashing your hands and chanting your shallow prayers.You want to get close to God then the truth better not be able to piss you off or else you may not be one of His.Just look at Christ and learn a few things.I strongly advise it in most cases here and all around this two faced area.
  • Linda
    I know what that the situation was back a few years ago.The young lady was a sweetheart.Really just a real doll.Everybody on the pastors side of the family except his dad were into piling on her viciously.I had talked about it with some of the more descent church members and we all found it in poor taste.She didn't deserve to be treated so badly.I left partly because the pastor was a lunatic control freak.It turned me off.G.H. had called him on it later or so it was told.The other guy one of you mentioned,I think if I read from an earlier comment got to the 'llpoint where he was going t o take the guy out behind the church if it kept up and take off with this poor lady.That how I understood things.I reckon he left on account of respecting the parents of the guy and the church and decided he just wasn't going to let this little lady be pushed around and him sit their through it.Actually a lot of us left on account of the shenanigans that were pulled by this ding a ling.I am a woman and I know A's attitude by instinct.Pure male chauvinist.I know that I don't blame any male member for walking out on women or a woman being mistreated or not treated with the due respect a true woman deserves.Now my anger over turning the church over to a ripoff outfit speaks for itself.This place just in the last few years has s lowly decayed.I felt sorry for the guys wife trying her best to exist in this foolishness.We all knew that she is a real trooper.The old nags were mostly responsible f or this whole sideshow.They couldn't run a 5 yard race let alone something as important to the health of a community as a church like this.This was at one time regarded as t he best church in Jabez and not the joke it became and obviously will be with these wackos taking it further into the cesspool.I pray to God that somehow He intervenes in this whole mess.It is still His House.
  • G.H.
    The magic preacher was told a couple years ago the facts about his problems.Yeah,he treated his wife badly to say the least and his me syndrome was discussed quite thoroughly.He did cause a majority of the congregation to leave and yes one guy was really very angry over his domineering attitude toward his wife.I can testify.He probably would have done some correcting and I suppose left before it got to that point.The old lady running the church was hard headed and guliible.We had as preacher in t he pulpit and no her people had to run him off.Burns me up too.Call this guy a conman and t hey are giving rtf he church to a tax fleecing rogue outfit.Total joke.That was the many problems with this church.A lot of us live near the church and we had to watch it fall a part and now this stupidity.A lot of money was put in t his outfit too.And for what.Nonsense like this.You would think the leadership would have respected the found ers hard work and vision when he built the church but no just disgrace it even more.Sure we are mad as bell.Who wouldn't be.Joke.Joke.Joke.
  • Linda
    I know what that the situation was back a few years ago.The young lady was a sweetheart.Really just a real doll.Everybody on the pastors side of the family except his dad were into piling on her viciously.I had talked about it with some of the more descent church members and we all found it in poor taste.She didn't deserve to be treated so badly.I left partly because the pastor was a lunatic control freak.It turned me off.G.H. had called him on it later or so it was told.The other guy one of you mentioned,I think if I read from an earlier comment got to the point where he was going t o take the guy out behind the church if it kept up and take off with this poor lady.That how I understood things.I reckon he left on account of respecting the parents of the guy and the church and decided he just wasn't going to let this little lady be pushed around and him sit their through it.Actually a lot of us left on account of the shenanigans that were pulled by this ding a ling.I am a woman and I know Alan's attitude by instinct.Pure male chauvinist.I know that I don't blame any male member for walking out on women or a woman being mistreated or not treated with the due respect a true woman deserves.Now my anger over turning the church over to a ripoff outfit speaks for itself.This place just in the last few years has s lowly decayed.I felt sorry for the guys wife trying her best to exist in this foolishness.We all knew that she is a real trooper.The old nags were mostly responsible f or this whole sideshow.They couldn't run a 5 yard race let alone something as important to the health of a community as a church like this.This was at one time regarded as t he best church in Jabez and not the joke it became and obviously will be with these wackos taking it further into the cesspool.I pray to God that somehow He intervenes in this whole mess.It is still His House.
  • Nicholas
    A talented,beautiful,and intelligent woman should be respected and not treated like junk.A lot of people in this church should have considered this.Hey wait,having the appearance but not really being.A man that can't respect a beautiful woman has real problems.No doubt.Nothing Godly or manly about bullying a woman.
  • Anna
    The church has been so desecrated it isn't funny even though some of you are funny with these posts.The crossbow and abusing a sweet woman by church members in a house of God isn't right.I know that I let's say knew about it and the reason it caused some people to leave that were really good people.It is a crying shame that some guys let power go to their heads.I felt sorry f or the young lad and the nonsense going on Geneva.A lot of you all I know.Believe me word got around Jabez about this stuff.Good people really got turned off by this circus.Women are not going to sit and endure watching a man domineering women and I guess certain men won't put up with that kind of nonsense either from the sound of things.I know their are people that used to put a lot into this church and to see it go to hell like this makes you mad.
  • Jenny
    Are they going to have t he annual tax sheltered 503c tax umbrellas made in China by hand quilt show.The one old whiskers has every year to pad him and his fakes back Dickies pant pockets with.I guess they will pull this stunt in the church.Figures.Can't abuse God enough.Pathetic.
  • Geneva
    I know who you are Robert.I remember hearing about you a few years back.I heard you got railroaded out of the church by the founders crazy old lady.The one that the hand waving mumbling Houdini played to get the church for his own clownshow.Sorry about the way you got done.I guess with these fake Amish kooks the church will look like a bigger clownshow so I guess you do get the last laugh on these old codgers.I know the college big shot was not a good replacement.They all said you were Satan hisself but this guy was no saint.I know one guy left because he said or so I understand it that this guy kept treating his wife really badly in church and I reckon he said he couldn't see her done that way anymore.I reckon he would have punched the guy in the nose.It was that bad I gather.I know the man is usually reserved and it would take a lot to make him this mad s o this preacher must have been really mean mouthed or something.I think this caused a lot of tension.The abuse of this nice young lady.Some people I guess just aren't going to sit and watch women get dogged about.After all this show you think that this church leadership would have brought on enough embarrasment but no.
  • Robert
    Are the ones who called a certain preacher a conman feeling foolish yet?Giving the church to a bearded face tax cheating rogue and his tax cheats playing old time hoodwinkers was so upstanding and such a Godly move.I guess all of Babes knows the kind of rogues that have been running this fake outfit.What you get when you project your sin on a real man of God.All comes out in the wash water ahead....by the way remember me,the descent man of God most of you railroaded.Glad to see this church still serving all of Jabez and the surrounding communities.That is what I wanted it to do.Too bad the old cronies had other plans like giving to a twit and then a bunch of Ungodly tax cutters.Last laugh is from me to you.Judgement day sometimes c ones earlier than forecast too!!!!!!
  • A.Turner
    The magic preacher would be so proud of me as I have now talking like a 2 year old for the sake of the gospel.Booboobooboo!!!!I hope those weirdos with beards and long dresses get here soon.I could use some of that free repackaged Wal Mart bread,eggs,and other freebies.My bet card is almost empty and my cupboard is running bare.I would have cried to the church when old Houdini college boy was dancing in the pulpit but he and the old church bags were too tight to give you a glass of free water if you were dying of thirst.At least from what you all are saying the fakes will at least help us when we come pandering for handouts......
  • Jeffrey
    Well I saw the old nuts that run the church are still getting the grass mowed.They need to go ahead and buy some billy goats and nannies so the weirdos they are handing this joke over to will move in feeling right at home in their new green acres playground.I though I saw a buggy loaded with Jerry's lunatic overseas nutty kids heading this direction.The Jack mule was trotting it pretty good.I figure that is one of many Jerry Rockefeller bought his fake whisker sporting tax cheating buddies.You know how old grey whiskers loves to help his fellow cons play the throwback tax cheat scam.I also thought I saw the magic man ex preacher that magically made the whole congregation disappear the other day.Looked like he was practicing wearing a brim hat and Duckies long sleeves and pants work outfit.He may be trying t o get in with Tucker and his Ingalls style fakers.Show them a few magic tricks and give them a horse and Saigon balloon and the cons may put him back in for another round of teaching how to girate and mumble in the name of God.Hallelujah and a big old amen!!!!!,,,,,,,,
  • Tom
    I better not go around those hormone crazy fake granny dress bonnet wearers.I like to wear short pants and t shirts.They might see my hairy elbows and kneecaps and go into lusting like maniacs and be doomed to help on account of my youthfulness.Oh heaven help us.
  • G.
    I am giving all my short sleeved shirts and short pants to the new thrift 503c tax dodging store when it gets set up out here.I don't want to get caught working outside and hear one of these beard faced weirdos preach me into bell.I told my wife dragging baby you are going to have to start wearing long dresses instead of those shorts and tank tops.I am going to buy her a Sun bonnet too.I am trading in the sun for a one horse buggy with a big triangle on the back.Hey might as well get ready to be over in with deranged foreign kids,loose farm animals,and bearded tax scammers.Babes ain't never going to be the same.
  • Anna
    You think maybe the magic preacher might come back if the Amish weirdies buy the grounds?Will he be wearing whiskers and a Dickies work outfit.He could make the church throngs reappear as an encore to his act of making them all disappear.I personally am just sitting out here waiting to see the fireworks that will come from this sham deal.I never really was sold on this church especially after Jeff left and never wanted any part of it again.He said Mary was sold on the lunatic atmosphere atmosphere at first but the hand waving and craziness just was too much.She said the preachers wife was a real sweetheart though.Really the one person Mary felt was the warmest personality in the whole lot.I think the husband was a real uptight type and the congregation was too cold shouldered.There was I think a Greek guy and his wife going there near the great closed door last days.Word out Teddys store was that this Donnie character was getting abusive to the congregation and his wife.I just gathered the place was a shambles for several years.I came a few times when I am going to say Broomfelt was there.I think Mac was his first name.It was a few years back.His wife was a real kind lady.I knew the guitar player and he got mad over the whole church scene.Told several people at the store that there was no way in h he would ever set foot in the church with a selfish conman in the pulpit.I think he didn't get along too well with them out there.All except the first preachers wife and Libby.Some of you all on here are I guess like me.Really mad at this whole raw deal.Situation stinks.
  • Jimmy
    Are they going to make horse and buggy parking standard out Teddys.Are they going to outlaw all them honeys out there in the store running around in short shorts and tight fitting tank tops.Them false Amish pretenders will give away their fakery tilt they get out there among all them tourists and curvaceous well tanned country gals.They don't hide none of their anatomy under long granny setups.I think he sells the nectar of the devil too so they might have to send one of the straight players out there for a beer run.That was neat what I read about old Nelson J Rockerfeller with long whiskers coming in to bring his orphans and players into the church grounds.Really.Guess when he got a freebie like all those fakers he couldn't pass on yet another tax dodging in the name of the Lord pyramid scheme.Anyone say 501c,503c tax dodging play.These characters are something else.Got all the zealots out in the sticks so fooled with their trickery.The Pharisees I guess resort to wearing suspend ers or bib overalls and brim hats nowadays.If this had been a real church then this nonsense would not be happening.Gangster preachers and Ronald McDonald pulpit desecrate usually do it everytime.Ladies and gentlemen the great closed door failure church serving all the insects and field mice around the Hayfield of Jabez.......
  • Dannh
    I got the wife and two young guns watching Little House on the Prarie reruns so we can practice dressing up and playing the fake act as well as the fakers.I got the kids trained to milk.a cow,Chase loose chickens around and roll in the grass like Laura Ingalls.We just want to blend in with the weirdos from the past days when they come riding to Jabez in their horse and buggies.I been looking for a good horse and backboard wagon too.Got to play this Charles Ingalls stuff to a t you know.No short pants,shirts,and Heather ways at least til the tourist and Greene's ain't looking anyway,hahaha!!!!!
  • Bert
    Haha.I know a character used to go out this church.We got to talking and he had to laugh.I told him man we all get a kick out of this show out there.What a load of bull.Can you imagine firsthand idiot in the pulpit and to top of this garbage can affair giving the church away to a group of tax evading clowns playing last century setups.Pure bull.This used to be a descent church when a guy named Howard Burton ran it.Had another good preacher too years back,a Mark,I believe Summerfield.He was a great preacher too.I know after that it went straight top of when this guy left.Total three stooges nonsense show.I guess we all should just be getting used to having a group of nuts running around loose all over Jabez.I have been to Liberty and Crab Orchard and this junk ruins a town.The horse and buggies and all the Tom foolery is what always comes with these fakes.Believe they take over and look at Crab Orchard.Sheesh.I lived out here since retiring and nobody told me I was going t o wind up living in the big top on account of a bunch of knuckleheads who can't run a church here.Thanks dummies!!!!!!
  • Jenny
    I thought you all were joking but I found out you aren't.The horse and buggy nuts are coming to Jabez.I live down quite a ways from this crazy church but I don't want bearded nuts and granny dress nutty women and all these farm animals making there way down to my place.I don't need to worry about crazy adopted kids in diapers coming down here all hours of the night freaking havoc.What are the lunatics that are supposed to be running this church thinking.I hate for the McGowans because all this cult mess is going to be next door plus the rent house across the street.I bet they are going to freak out crazy kids and chickens and goats coming into their yard every hour of the day and night.I also bet they look forward to hearing about going to help every time they go outside in their shorts and short sleeved shirts.I hope these throwback pretenders don't go out to the store.Us ladies out here aren't going to run around in long dresses and bonnets.Sorry,we for the most parts aren't trying to play tax dodgers.We also aren't going to roast in the summer heat to appease a group of religious fake weirdos.No way.
  • Bernice
    So are they really going to put all this mentally deranged kids in the parsonage so a bunch of Laura Ingalls ripoff can run around playing Amish.I live out down from the church.Anybody know how far crazy chickens and kids can travel.I never saw this clownshow coming for sure.There goes the nice quiet life.When I drive by the church I will go slow and try not to laughter hard.I mean this used to be a respectable outfit but all of sudden maybe some mental challenged people maybe took it over.Who runs this church,somebody from the nuthouse.I heard some bunch of nutty old biddies or something.I never moved out here to be flooded with yoyo and wild farm animals running in my nice clean yard.I don't know what I am going to do if some crazy kids show up on my deck.This church leadership or lack of it has really just messed this community up.Thank you Jane's church heathens for this raw deal!!!!
  • Jeff
    I am going to make some popcorn and sit in front of the church and watch all the chaos.Goats and chickens running wild,foreign adopted Heather kids and demented orphans tearing up the turf,and especially this crew of Ingalls wannabes running around playing late 1800s.I can't miss this.This is way better than the magic show before.You know the a bra cadabra guy that mumbled to God and danced around.I wonder what the neighbors are gonna do?Call the rent a cops to come down an d get control of the Amish pretenders.I figure old faker Tucker's crew of yoyo are a bit 1800s wild at time.Amish beer can be rough on the membanes.I can't wait until the comedy show gets here.I might even sell tickets.Amen.
  • Robert
    Just watch the dates on the free goods like the bread.These Amish fakers love to sell out of date stuff they get given to them for free.I know how old Jerry and his crew of old time gospel fakes love to shuck and jive the tourists and rubes.I wonder of old grey beard is going to get more tax free donations through this church.When he buys Teddys so his weirdo bearded boys and long dress bonnet heads get a store,tax dodging of course will the revenue go to the orphanage he will put in the parsonage?Where is the tax evading 503c restraunt going to be?The ice cream shop down the highway?You know how old fake Jerry is,him and his fake Amish traveling circus.
  • Bruce
    I am already growing a beard so I can get that free Amish reprimanded dollar store junk and deceive with the best of these fakers.Welcome to Jabez you bunch of tax evaders.The guys out Teddy's are wearing long pants and suspenders so you can't give us the going south with the devil junk.
  • G.H.
    Where is the Houdini ex preacher college pretty boy?Poof,and he made him and the whole church disappear!What an act.Then a bra Barbara,flash,here are the whisker faced weirdos to desecrate the church instead.What a magic show!!!!!!
  • Sharon
    One of the old members called me and told me about this Amish junk and I was like God I can't believe what these lunatics have done to this church.Giving it to a group of cons.A lot of us in Jane's would have appreciated it if these yoyo in the church had had a community meeting and asked our opinion.Chickens in Richardson Road and crazy kids running loose.I don't want lIberty Little House on the Prarie style tax dodging farce and neither do my neighbors.We want a quiet life and if this church hadn't had so many idiots in charge it might still be a house of God not the joke it is going to become.I mean an Amish fake tax dodging scheme.Thank you church bozos for bringing this mess to all of us living out on Richardson,we appreciate your stupidity!!,!!
  • Adam
    I need to come back for sure if a bunch of bearded billions and granny dress women are going to take over the place.I need a good laugh.I passed on the magic man of the book but I don't want to miss chickens running loose,mentally deranged kids going wild and free Wal Mart repackaged bread and Save a Lot eggs given out at the church door.I too am wondering how McGowan and his renters are going to love living with a bunch of nuts right in the midst of them.This is rich.I knew the folks running the church were a bit old but I didn't think they were ready for Alzheimer's.I guess bringing in tax dodgers with facial hair and turning a nice church into a dump is their idea of serving Jane's for the better.Time it is just a three ring fifth floor disaster.I mean a greedy clown doing the hand jive I guess just wasn't enough of a disgrace to God and His holy name and now the fake Amish deserters and tax cheats.Rend unto Ceasar as little as you can finagle your way out of and rend it into your back overall pocket in the name of our God.This place used to be great but nowadays it is a disgrace to all Christianity.What a fake ignorant load of hypocrite garbage!!!!!!!😠😬😈😯😥😠😠😠😠😠😠🔢🆒🚯🚮🚻
  • Eugene
    Thank you magic man preacher.We all have to live out here and poor,you disappeared.A bra Cadabra,ala kazam.We lose a Houdini and gain a bearded tax cutting bozo.Oh my can it get any better for the closed door failed church that is always serving good old Jabez.Personally,McGowan should have bought this campground decades ago.Him or somebody around here.Place has been a circus.Now the bearded gang and their whackos.Oh hallelujah!!!!!😤😤😤😤😠
  • Brenda
    I have been practicing driving slow for when this group of bearded fakers gets here.I even asked some people I know if we can pitch in and buy some caution chickens in the road signs.The Buckeyes will be making roadkill like crazy otherwise.I hope the geniuses at this church are so proud of themselves over all this mess.A clown and now a conman from Amishtown USA.It just keeps getting better with t these God loving Einsteins.
  • G.
    Where are the mentally arranged foreign kids going to stay?Wonder if the magic Houdini preacher has run in his house to put them up.The clown that always wanted to serve Babes and the surrounding countryside.Maybe him and God can talk it over and he can use some more of his heavenly baby talk on God.Hahaha.
  • Kimberley
    Coming soon a church based tax dodging tourist tax evading show featuring whisker faced players led by a God fearing conman in whiskers to ruin the middle of nowheresville.I look forward to the horse and buggies,farm animals running wild,and Christian named tax dodging half run businesses springing up every where.Wonder where the restraunt is gonna be?Teddys store after a buyout.This grey bearded Amish wannabe is a real Godly trickster,especially when it comes to buying land and throwing up some fake Amish junky business selling IT A spices and out of date Save a Lot stuff.
  • Bobby
    I am aiming to ask Teddy what he thinks about those losers down the road selling the church to competition.I am going to see what he thinks about a Amish faker and his crew of impersonators coming here to buy up all of Jabez.I hear McGowan is already getting madder than a wet when over being stuck next door to a bunch of kooks.He will probably have a cow when those crazy foreign kids start running loose and head over his way.The chickens and the giants and horses and buggies out on Richardson will be heck to play too.You how these Amish fakes operate.I guess we can all thank the magic preacher for this show.That and the dummies that say they ran the church.
  • Lisa
    I never visited this church but if it is going to be taken over by a bunch of kooks sporting whiskers then I might drop in.I think I have a granny dress and my Grans old Sun bonnet in the closet.I am hoping if what I am hearing and reading on here is the truth then that Tucker guy will open a thrift store in the parsonage.Another let's meet place idea sounds great.I know that he and his crew love to buy up places in t he sticks and bring his so called church related businesses into the middle of nowhere.I personally love the idea of free bread and eggs for free and all you have to do is deal with some whisker faced yogis and their granny dress wearing old ladies to get these things give to you at the end of t he service.
  • Tom
    Could call the church the House of the Tax Shelters Who Play God.It would be 501 and 03c umbrella d.What a load of bull.This outfit is totally fake.
  • Robert
    This Tucker guy is obvious The Bread of Life.Religious title.Guess what.Tax sheltered.Read up on t he 501 and 03c tax codes.Start a new business and link it to the orphanage,boom.Great tax scheme.Locate in a community full of dumb rubes and Amish imitators.Perfect setup.Obvious ripoff.Grow a beard and play the fake game like the rest of the 1873 throwback pretenders.Perfect scheme.Let the suckers send you donations.Hahaha.What a way to get a free ride in the name of God.Pitiful but genius.And they t bought a certain preacher was crooked.WhAt a bunch of dummies.Old beard boy will probably buy up half of Jabez.Tuesday's will probably be bought out and called the Apostles Quick $top.Draw in t he local spooks for s ure.Of course that how the Amish faker and his crew of phonies play it.
  • paul
    Will I have to grow whiskers and wear long pants and suspenders just to get that Wal Mart reprimanded junk they will give out if you can sit through their service.All of us down even to Teddy's store will be sporting whiskers I guess so we can join the fakes.Dickies outfits too I figure.All of these Babes honeys will have to repent and start wearing long dresses and get rid of those tight jeans and up to their hind end short shorts.Them fake Amish wannabes eyes will bug out if they come here too soon.They might reveal their heathern ways.I mean they are actors and all.Evading taxes and doing this backwards Hollywood stunt.What nonsense.
  • Linda
    I guess if what you all are posting here is true then the personage will be over in with a bunch of crazy foreign kids.If these fakes are going to turn the church into a fake Amish church will I need to dress like Carolyn Ingles to visit there to endure the bull just to get the free eggs and homemade probably repackaged Wal Mart fresh baked bread.We are going to have to drive slower with all those whisker faced weirdos and chickens out in the one lane road.Guess the Ohio Buckeyes will bring more of their moolah so they can get taken for a ride liketheyalways d nowhere in the sticks.Amish fake Wal Mart junk and all.The mess they made in Liberty becomes our headache now.Which do I have to thank for t his mess,the hand waving nutcase or the old church cronies.
  • Jimmy
    I can see it now,a Bread of Life Cafe 2,Horse and Buggy Shop,Quilting Place,and a tax sheltered thrift store.Wait I am describing the whole tax shelter scheme over in the fake Amish country.Yeah,and chickens and goats out loose on Richardson Drive unless those knuckleheads they take in can keep them out of a one lane road.Probably keep the church as a 501 and 503c tax shelter.That is how old grey whiskers and his crew of fake Little House on the Prarie types operate.Then holler we don't need the government because we ase too busy sheltering everything through our Philedphia lawyers.Welcome to Jabez,home of the tax dodging,pyramid scheming Amish wannabes buying their Wal Mart carp and passing it off with new labels and passing it off as Amish made junk..Believe me these church people really gave the goods to Jabezfor sure.Hey,wait,this place lately has been known for its clown type atmosphere though,so just another black eye on the church.God knows it has had plennnnnttttyy...
  • Paul
    The sad thing is if this outfit over in Liberty buys this place McGowan and the rest of them around there are going to have to deal with him and his Amish knock off impersonators.They will probably buy up the community and put up horse and buggy signs everywhere and turn it into another tourist trap as if the lake wasn't enough headache out here.Stupid move by the church owners.I can Richardson road crawling with tourists and Amish clones clogging up the roads.Messis what it's going to be.This Tucker guy bought up most of the outskirts of Liberty and turned it into his own ATM machine for those of you who don't know.Restrsunts,hotels,and you name it just do him and the Amish ripoffs can get richoff the out of staters who fell for this clap trap nosense.Most aren't even true Amish,just actors too.
  • Robert
    Maybe the college big shot magician can grow a beard,shave his moustache and try a new angle.Pair of Dickies worjk clothes and a brim sunbathing too.He can do his hand waving deal with new zest and if you can sit all the way through it you get the free country goods as you run out the church door ha ha ha...
  • G.
    Anybody know when the Amish impersonators are coming.I need those free chickens,eggs,and fresh Amish bread loaves.I know I can handle their nonsense long enough to get the freebies.Probably have a packed church for the first time in history.
  • Bill
    After the last nut a bunch of Amish yahoos would be a welcome sight.They should have sold tickets to that clownshow.That guy would have been a billionaire by now.Honestly,the guy was just a self absorbed nut.Favorite words were me,myself and I.He did use God's name about three times in his retelling of his life story every week though.
  • Linda
    At least with the Amish want to be we can go listen to his nonsense and get free country eggs and bread.The other ding a ling just waved his hands ,carried on and made everybody but no s toy his family disappear.Sheesh.A real nut.
  • Bill
    I wonder if the new preacher is going to be one of those Amish wannabes.I heard out Tecdy's store those nuts are buying the church out after the college boy blew it.I guess he and his crew will be going around sending us to Hades over our short sleeves and short pants.Probably be a new circus show yet again.At least those guys are known to give out free eggs and homemade bread to get bozos in the church hhahhaaa.
  • G.
    Maybe Mr. Big britches can work his magic and all a madam his way back through the airtight locked doors for round two.He is a magician you know.On t he side anyhow.Abra cadabra.Of course they have probably given the church away by now t o those yahoos over in Liberty.I think their Amish wannabes or some such nonsense.I heard the old guy is going to turn it into a Amish type buckle shoe and that affair or a place to sell greens and chickens one.
  • Jerry
    If I could say anything good I would but I guess I will just have to keep my mouth shut because I can't really think of a anything worthwhile to say about this place.Last preacher must have studied under the Van Impes.They liked the sideshow approach to playing church too.
  • Brenda
    I am hoping to see this. church reopen soon.After reading all the comments I obviously wasn't the only one that left on account of a three ring. circus show.I knew that I had heard this Barnes guy really blew it but it didn't seem to get any better with a guy that thought he was a tv evangelist.I guess we all got fed up with the gyrating and mumbling in the name of God.It would help to get someone in there that could just because a true teacher and not try to be a small t own Joel Olsteen.Really!!!!!
  • Paul
    All I can say for a church that was going to serve the community it seems hard to do that when it can't even retain a pastor that can be capable of keeping the doors open.What a joke!
  • Tom
    I went here last year and all I saw was some bunch of looked like hippies and a bozo running around waving his digits and talking dome kind of gibberish.He kept saying he was talking to God and we were going to do so to.I thought what a knucklehead.Really.I didn't know God talked in baby talk.We got to see some funky videos and we'll me and the huge congregation of about maybe 8 other people didn't seem to enthused.One old lady,I think they called her Dana or something started going up the aisle with her arms up in the air trying to sing or some kind of thing.Real freakty deal.Then some woman and man sang some kind of crazy song I had never heard before.Really just a big bunch of hooey.I never went back .Now I see their closed and well,I am not surprised.Ehat a bunch of nutcases.
  • Bernice
    I miss Brother Howard and Brother Mark too.They made this church special.I left long before this once Godly church sank straight into the gutter.I never thought I would see the day when the doors would be locked and this church would be closed on account of pure old fashioned foolishness.I had talked to some people about a year ago and I reckon this new pastor was some radical nut that someone familiar with the church said thought he was on the level of God or was God.If I heard right my understanding was that they said he was going to turn the church into some kind of tv ministry style show or something.I sm just glad that slot of the older people never lived to this kind of nonsense happen to Jabez.It makes me heartsick to think this curch fell into this kind of sad shape.Tge devil can really ruin a church.
  • G.
    I didn't see any top secret liberal anti God hooded characters padlocking the church doors.I guess a young ding a ling preacher whose britches were too big for his hind end does the job everytime.I tried to tell this college boy that we wanted teaching not a tv show style smoke and mirrors three ring show.Obvioudly being hardheaded doesn't pay.Should have listened.
  • Rebecca
    It is a shame that this church was such a disaster.Locked doors and all.Sad.Sad.Sad.I only hope that a man of God will hopefully open up the doors and give is good old fashioned gospel truth.I miss real church services with none of this video and hocus pocus.I want to hear the Word and not get entertained.So many of the people that ever invested in this church are just so dissapointed.At one time this used to be the best church in Jabez and not the sideshow it seemed to have devolved into.
  • Eugene
    They used to come down here to Teddy's store and invite us fellows out here on the liars bench and the ones in the store too.We got a kick out of that.One guy went out there one night and said he thought he was going to have to call an ambulance because the preacher looked like he was going into spasms and started talking a bunch of gibberish.He said somebody in the congregation told him this is just part of the etertainment.Ha ha.I never took the invite myself.I am into hearing the Word not seeing a comedy show.
  • G.
    Well he was a magician on the side and he must have been a good one to.He made 90percent of the congregation disappear and I guess for an encore himself too.
  • Kimberly
    I am not surprised that this church is closed.I never heard of a preacher playing God until this outfit.I mean less than 10 people and I heard must just stayed away like it was the plague or something,not that I could or would blame them.I kept having to look out at the sign because I thought maybe I had come to a cult outfit or something.Pitiful.I got one dose of this and that was enough for my Christian taste buds.I was surprised that he didn't have Kool Aid passed out.Te hand signs too.I thought the guy was going onto a seizure or something.I guess that is why all the videos and stuff so he could get his spasms under control maybe.
  • D M
    The preacher told me and my wife would were too nasty to come here.Truth.He said she also wanted to sing too much and he wished she'd be more quiet.I ain't never heard of that in s church before.i went by theother day and the place was locked up airtight.I guess Mr. Big Britches didn't last too long after all.Hope we can get a real preacher here.Anyone better than a hand waving nutcase.
  • Gloria
    I was thinking about going here just because I had heard so much good about it but one of the members told me don't bother the preacher thinks he is a tv show preacher.She said the only Godly thing here nowadays is His nane out on the sign.I figured after the his kind of talk I would find a church where God is in the church and not just a name on the sign.
  • B.
    This church really fell apart a couple of years ago for sure.I just couldn't stay here.I don't need a preacher that always wants to dwell on himself and use the words me and I in every sentence.It'd be nice to use God's name every so often and maybe focus on His Word too.I don't need to know the preachers life story every time I sit down in the pew.Sheesh.
  • Jerry
    I got the feeling I wasn't wanted.The preacher,a young silly acting fellow brushed me off.All it seemed to me like was a family affair.If a real preacher is going to take over then I hope he is the opposite of the old hateful one that seemed to put on a show instead of teaching us the word of God.
  • Jim
    I came one time back in 2021 and ha that was enough for me.I know my Bible and what I heard and saw sure wasn't what I read and know.I am reading about a true man of God coming in here and all I can say is if he ain't like the last bozo then I will try it again.I want presching and teaching not a circus show.I ain't got time for a heathern style show.
  • Robert
    Man this church has been through some bad times.I heard that it is getting put strsight by a new man of God.From what I hear about this guy he is a straight out teacher of the Bible.If he is anything like Bro. Howard was then after years of staying clear of Jabez I won't hesitate to sit in the pew here again.I sure do miss real moving of the Holy Spirit and no foolishness.
  • Linda
    Sister Bea has been through do much with this church and from what I am understanding it was going to be given to charity but now it seems a true teacher is coming to open the church and straighten out all the nonsense that has gone on in the past.I hope this is true.This church used to have a real Godly man in the lead and to have one like him again eoukd be Heaven sent.I hope this proves true.I used to love this church before greed,ego,and the devil got into it.
  • James
    I prayed for this church and God always answers prayers of the faithful.After a much needed housecleaning it looks like a real man of God is coming to see to it this church serves the purpose it was built for.Thank you God for putting things right like you always do.
  • Mary
    Looking forward to being able to come back to this church with a true man of God in the pulpit like it was back years and years ago.Can't wait to learn the Word of my Saviour from a real man of God and not have my time wanted by phonies.
  • Mary
    Looking forward to being able to come back to this church with a true man of God in the pulpit like it was back years and years ago.Can't wait to learn the Word of my Saviour from a real man of God and not have my time wanted by phonies.
  • Paul
    Looking forward to a true man of God in the role of tracher.It will be nice to see this church finally have a true teacher of God's Holy Word in the pulpit.i miss the Word being taught in a non circus show manner and look forward to seeing a true man of God leading this church under God's complete control.Brother Howard will finally be able to see his church run by a man of God like himself and I am sure we proud to see his mission fulfilled by one just like himself.The past foolishness thankfully will be erased by true God led pastorship.Halejujah.
  • Adam.
    In but a few more days this church which has suffered so much from foolishness and such will be what it was meant to be and God who is at the helm of His church shall as He is always to do bring a humble servant into the pulpit who devoid of greed and ego shall fulfill the will of the Almighty and see to it this church shall serve to teach God's Word and be the advertisement of God and all the truth and honor that He is.Mere days from now this church shall be all that it was built in 1985 to be with no sideshows or greed and ego but a true church led and controlled by God and not other.
  • Ceasar,a humble servant of the Almighty.
    Closed for now but will under the will of God be reopened anew with a pastor who truly is a servant of the Almighty.A humble teacher of the Word that will atone for all the past. Missteps.You have my solemn God honored promise this church will serve its purpose once and for all time.
  • Brenda B
    nobody spoke to me. so glad my kids were with their dad and didn't come. i left before the meeting was over too
  • Bob Crowley
    loving people have been going here for many years. New young preacher doesn't seem to know much about anyone but himself. likes to brag
  • kimberly mahurin
    Only six people including the preachers family. Lots of love talking about people. No real bible message tho
  • mary letner
    They sure love god there u are loved and treated good..sweet ppl goes there..sorry I been sick could not make it there and kindly got hurt feelings at preacher tho..
  • mary letner
    They sure love god there u are loved and treated good..sweet ppl goes there..sorry I been sick could not make it there and kindly got hurt feelings at preacher tho..
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