Victorious Messiah Fellowship

Victorious Messiah Fellowship

About Us

Biblical disciples of Jesus Christ

At Victorious Messiah Fellowship, the Bible is the ultimate earthly authority, not man! And we seek to test all things against the Word of God, and only hold fast to that which is good!

This means that sometimes long held traditions and man-made additions will not be present in our fellowship, but you can be absolutely sure that whatever we actively practice and teach in favor of, can actually be found in the Bible; and sound Biblical teaching and history will be presented to back up every belief we hold!

Traditional Hymns, Contemporary

Our Services

Sabbath Worship
Prayer and Bible Study

What Members Say

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  • Anon
    I was a regular attendee for a few years. It seemed to be a great congregation at first but had fallen to an almost cultish feel to it. The "Pastor" could not be questioned or confronted on anything negative without a written statement submitted to an elder when there were no elders. If you had any disagreeing viewpoints you were quickly picked out and pushed out of fellowship as if you had blatantly blasphemed God. It is my prayer that if they are still meeting, that they would seek repentance and restoration from those who have been hurt over the years. The address is now for another church and not this one, VMF.
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