Risen Savior Ev. Lutheran Church

About Us

Growing in Faith, Living in Hope, Serving in Love, All to the Glory of God.

At Risen Savior we love God's Word and love to explore what God has to say to us about our lives today and our life to come in heaven. We take seriously the message of the Bible, and we focus on what that message tells us about Jesus Christ. We are a group of people who need to hear that Jesus died to pay for every sin, and that he rose from the dead to give us the certain hope of eternal life. It's a message we want to share with each other, our community, and the world.

Our Services


What to Expect

What are services like?
Risen Savior’s pastor speaks on the level of the listeners, using contemporary antecdotes and intriguing illustrations to give messages of God’s love and guidance. The message at Risen Savior communicates God’s Word in a way that 21st century people appreciate and understand. The relevance of our Bible-based messages will guide you with new insight for the week ahead. The mercy of God through Jesus Christ and the meaning of faith make worship at Risen Savior a reverent and relevant experience. The entire service is printed out in a bulletin each week, and is easy to follow along.

What is the community like?
You will find a delightful mix of people representing all ages and walks of life. Local college students, veteran members of long year, families, singles, and mid-age couples. We offer opportunities to grow in an understanding of God’s Word. We cater to a variety of knowledge and interest levels, and make the study of God’s Word a comfortable and enjoyable experience.

What if I'm not a Christian?
We would love it if you would check us out. Our pastor enjoys sitting down with those who are exploring Christianity. There is never any pressure. We consider it a privilege to be able to have a conversation about what God has to say to us in the Bible.

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