Immanuel Christian Reformed Church

Immanuel Christian Reformed Church

About Us

Multigenerational Christian Church Growing in Knowledge Serving God

Immanuel CRC is a multigenerational community of disciples called by God to utilize our spiritual gifts by growing in our knowledge of and passion for Jesus Christ, joining in relationship with others, and serving God in the renewal of His creation.

Our Services

Morning Service

What to Expect

What are services like?
Our worship service is centered on God; coming to him to worship and honor him, to seek forgiveness for our sins, to hear his word, to respond in faith through our prayers, songs and giving. We are casually dressed. We stand to sing. We praise God in our singing with the worship team or with the instruments of organ, piano or guitar. Some may raise their hands as they sing. Children are included in our service, with ages 3-Grade 2 going out before the sermon for their own time of worship. Parents may join their child, or pick them up at the worship room later, after the service.

What is the community like?
Multigenerational. Friendly and welcoming. Involved in community. Sincere.

What if I'm not a Christian?
You are welcome to join us for worship. Bring your questions to pastors or leadership through discussion after the service, or through communications of email, text or phone to the office.

What Members Say

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