First United Methodist Church of Delmar

First United Methodist Church of Delmar

About Us

A Christian Community, mission and education oriented

If you are a visitor, a stranger, a guest of someone, or a traveler, we offer you welcome.

If you are an inquirer, wondering about Christians and the Christian community, we offer you welcome.

If you are a Christian looking for other Christians, we offer you welcome.

At First United Methodist Church, our vision is, “A Christian community, growing together in faith and in service to God.” Our Core Mission is, “Experiencing God’s love and responding to it.”

Our Services

Morning Worship - a traditional worship opportunity to learn, grow, and experience God through liturgy, song, and Word, with nursery care and Sunday School for infant through 12th grade
Evening Worship - an intimate, experiential worship opportunity to connect with God and to connect with others, with nursery care for the youngest in our midst

What to Expect

What are services like?
MORNING WORSHIP (9:30 a.m.) is in a traditional setting, complete with choirs, organ, liturgy, and spoken word. Guests to the service will find everything they need either in the bulletin, one of the hymnals, or on the "Information for Guests" handout available in each pew. Sunday School is held for children ages 3 - grade 12 starting at about 9:45 a.m. Nursery care is available before the service begins, though children of all ages are welcome in worship. Fellowship hour follows worship. EVENING WORSHIP (5 p.m.) is an eclectic worship experience, featuring an interactive style, varied music styles, and a chance to explore faith through conversation, prayer, music, and silence. Nursery care is available before the service begins, though children of all ages are welcome in worship. Children above ages 6 or so (can vary depending on the child) are encouraged to worship with their family. Snacks and beverages are available before, during, and after worship.


What Members Say

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