Restoration Church Gardena

About Us

Relational, Relevant Ministry

We are a church that welcomes everyone just the way they are, we want to love you and disciple you through a relationship with Jesus Christ. We would like to say to you, "WELCOME HOME".

Our Services

Adults and Youth
Main Sunday Service

What to Expect

What are services like?
Our Sunday morning Worship service is contemporary, Spirit filled, and anointed. We are a Pentecostal church that welcomes and loves everyone just the way they are!

What is the community like?
We are a multicultural, family friendly community that represents people of all ages and ethnicity that loves and challenges and accepts everyone.

What if I'm not a Christian?
Then this is definitely the place for you! "Whosoever will, let them come". We understand and embrace the love and acceptance of Jesus Christ. We are a community that desires to know Jesus and make Him known. Come just as you are! Welcome Home!


What Members Say

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Go here? Tell us why you love Restoration Church Gardena. Visited? Tell us what a newcomer can expect.