First Fruits Ministries
First Fruits Ministries

About Us

Manchester's Messianic Community

A first-century Judeo-Christian Messianic church returning to the Hebraic understanding of Scripture through faith in the Messiah Yeshua.

Our Services

Fellowship from 2-4 p.m.
Corner Fringe Live Stream Service
In Person First Fruits Ministries Service

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  • Shawn Coleman
    Mom Bonnie Coleman was in the hospital with a bad uti, feeding tube problems,and forumla moving too fast through her system . She recently passed away . It was her time my brother and I are crushed . Thank you for praying for her through the years .Pray for my brother and I as we embark on life without our parents .We have been a caregivers for years now pray we both are able to get good jobs in travel Respiratory therapy or reg Respiratory Therapy My brothers current work enviroment isnt the best his boss made out the schedule on Fri and has already changed his work times two times even sent it by text message late Saturday night Around 5:00pm he got off yesterday at 1:00pm I picked him up from work Friday he got in the car and his phone rung and he hadnt left the parking lot and it was her she changed his schedule. A Godly wife and A good work enviroment.Pray my brother has good bowel movements he almost had to go to the hospital pray he has easy bowel movemts . We have a stray animal that a girl on drugs left the animal shelter picked up today we been taking care of her for the past 4 years us and our neighbors Pray that she gets a good home with kids . .We truly are very sad we love you all . Thank you for praying for her and us . pray for my brothers car and mine . Pray we are able to settle the estate without any issues . Pray about us getting a good lawer to help us with this and someother issues we must address. Thank you Sincerly Shawn Coleman
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