Discover some of the best churches in the country on FaithStreet. We've researched and collected over 320,000 churches in a free directory to help you find a church home.
From big churches to small, traditional to progressive, denominational to non-denominational, we've done our best to cover them all.
What's the deal with denominations? Church denominations are like branches on a rich, historical tree of faith, each with its own unique beliefs, traditions, and practices that have been shaped over centuries. These denominations offer diverse pathways to explore spirituality, understand the Gospel, and connect with a community that shares similar values. From the structured liturgies of the Catholic and Orthodox traditions to the congregational autonomy of Baptist and non-denominational churches, each offers a distinct approach to worship, theology, and community life.
This diversity within Christianity encourages individuals to find a spiritual home that resonates with their personal beliefs and journey. Whether you're drawn to the deep rituals and sacraments of the Anglican communion, the social justice focus of Methodist or Presbyterian churches, or the charismatic worship of Pentecostal congregations, there's a denomination that aligns with every seeker's quest for meaning and connection. FaithStreet embraces this tapestry of faith expressions, offering guidance and insight into finding a church where you can grow, belong, and serve in ways that reflect your deepest convictions and hopes.
Featured Denomination Pentecostal Church of God
Dover, DE
Traverse City, MI
Potosi, MO
Explore Denominations
- Advent Christian Church 275
- African Methodist Episcopal 4,265
- African Methodist Episcopal Zion 7
- African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church 955
- Amana Church Society 4
- American Baptist Churches USA 5,019
- American Rescue Workers 4
- Anglican 322
- Anglican (AOC) 5
- Anglican Catholic 90
- Anglican (Christ the King) 20
- Anglican (REC) 132
- Apostolic 146
- Apostolic (AFCOG) 16
- Apostolic Assemblies of Christ 27
- Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus 616
- Apostolic Christian Church 62
- Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ 9
- Apostolic Faith Church 53
- Apostolic Light Fellowship 5
- Apostolic Overcoming Holy Church of God 83
- Armenian Apostolic 5
- Armenian Apostolic Church 24
- Armenian Apostolic Church of America 18
- Assemblies of God 12,737
- Assemblies of the Lord Jesus Christ 314
- Baptist 1,269
- Baptist (7th Day) 90
- Baptist (ABA) 204
- Baptist (Alliance of Baptists) 73
- Baptist (BBFI) 13
- Baptist (CBA) 733
- Baptist (CBAA) 250
- Baptist (CBF) 48
- Baptist (GABC) 203
- Baptist (GCB) 5
- Baptist (NABC) 295
- Baptist (NBCA) 16
- Baptist (SBC) 49,288
- Berean Fellowship 42
- Bethel Ministerial Assoc. 7
- Bible Church of Christ 6
- Bible Fellowship Church 42
- Bible Way Church 6
- Brethren 17
- Brethren in Christ 314
- Brethren (UB) 194
- Bruderhof 10
- Calvary Chapel 1,192
- Catholic 20,133
- Catholic (Independent) 28
- Catholic (NAOCC) 3
- Catholic (PNCC) 125
- Catholic (Ruthenian) 4
- Catholic (UCC) 10
- Christian and Missionary Alliance 2,076
- Christian Churches and Churches of Christ 3,383
- Christian Congregation 90
- Christian Reformed Church 867
- Churches of Christ in Christian Union 174
- Church of Christ 1,428
- Church of Christ (GHCOC) 16
- Church of Christ (Holiness) USA 109
- Church of God 158
- Church of God (7th Day) 229
- Church of God (Anderson, IN) 604
- Church of God by Faith 102
- Church of God (CGGC) 346
- Church of God (Cleveland, TN) 3,739
- Church of God in Christ 46
- Church of God (Mountain Assembly) 76
- Church of God of Prophecy 1,343
- Church of the Brethren 1,037
- Church of the Nazarene 5,053
- Community Covenant Church 2
- Congregational 35
- Congregational (CCCC) 246
- Congregational (ECC) 101
- Congregational Holiness Church 164
- Congregational (NACCC) 408
- Converge Worldwide 827
- Coptic 158
- Elim Fellowship 43
- Episcopal 7,772
- Episcopal (CEC-NA) 85
- Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo 3
- Evangelical Bible Church 26
- Evangelical Covenant Church 768
- Evangelical Free Church of America 1,344
- Evangelical Friends Church 177
- Fellowship of Evangelical Churches 40
- Fellowship of Fundamental Bible Churches 6
- Fellowship of Grace Brethren 3
- Fellowship of Grace Brethren Churches 179
- Fire Baptized Holiness Church 141
- Foursquare 1,691
- Free Will Baptists (NAFWB) 1,441
- Full Gospel Assemblies 12
- General Association of Regular Baptist Churches 1,006
- General Baptist 3
- Grace Communion International 321
- Grace Gospel Fellowship 80
- IFCA 0
- Independent 228
- Independent Baptist 4,417
- Interdenominational 202
- Jews For Jesus 100
- Liberty Church Planting Network 52
- Lutheran 204
- Lutheran (AALC) 69
- Lutheran (AFLC) 279
- Lutheran (ALCA) 33
- Lutheran Brethren (CLB) 72
- Lutheran (CLC) 85
- Lutheran (ELCA) 9,802
- Lutheran (ELS) 148
- Lutheran (LCMC) 33
- Lutheran (LCMS) 6,232
- Lutheran (NALC) 19
- Lutheran (WELS) 1,401
- Mar Thoma Church 18
- Mennonite 26
- Mennonite (CMC) 104
- Mennonite (MCUSA) 878
- Mennonite (Reformed) 5
- Mennonite (USMB) 192
- Messianic 39
- Methodist 228
- Methodist (CME) 331
- Methodist (EMC) 65
- Methodist (FMCUSA) 228
- Methodist (Global)
- Methodist (Primitive) 56
- Methodist (UMC) 33,464
- Metropolitan Community Church 14
- Missionary Church 493
- Missionary Church USA 8
- Moravian 8
- New Apostolic Church (USA) 210
- Nondenominational 24,322
- Old German Baptist Brethren 17
- Open Bible Standard Churches 208
- Orthodox 875
- Orthodox (ACROD) 122
- Orthodox (Albanian) 1
- Orthodox (AOCANA) 278
- Orthodox-Catholic (OCCA) 0
- Orthodox Christian 63
- Orthodox (Greek) 541
- Orthodox (OCA) 89
- Orthodox (ROCOR) 218
- Orthodox (Serbian) 101
- Orthodox (Syrian) 66
- Orthodox (Ukrainian) 72
- Pentecostal 460
- Pentecostal (ABofC) 14
- Pentecostal (AJC) 6
- Pentecostal Church of God 786
- Pentecostal (FCOLJC) 10
- Pentecostal (Fire-Baptized Holiness) 57
- Pentecostal Free Will Baptist 31
- Pentecostal (IPHC) 279
- Pentecostal (PCAF) 197
- Pentecostal (UAC of JC) 12
- Pentecostal (UPCI) 5,745
- Pentecostal (WPF) 83
- Presbyterian 1,062
- Presbyterian (ARPC) 275
- Presbyterian (CPC) 709
- Presbyterian (ECO) 7
- Presbyterian (EPC) 452
- Presbyterian (OPC) 36
- Presbyterian (PCA) 1,200
- Presbyterian (PCA-Korean) 716
- Presbyterian (PCUSA) 10,686
- Presbyterian (RPCNA) 97
- Primitive Baptist 4
- Progressive Church 15
- Quaker 2,084
- Quaker (FGC) 387
- Reformed 109
- Reformed Catholic Church 6
- Reformed (NRC) 12
- Reformed (PRCA) 22
- Reformed (RCA) 725
- Reformed (RCUS) 47
- Russian Orthodox (ROCUSA) 24
- Salvation Army 869
- Separate Baptist (SBIC) 42
- Seventh-day Adventist 5,843
- Sovereign Grace Believers 31
- Sovereign Grace Churches 0
- The Brethren Church 81
- The Christian Community 17
- The Evangelical Church 88
- The Moravian Church (North America) 113
- The New Church 33
- The Way of the Cross Church International 29
- True Church of God in Christ 12
- True Jesus Church 27
- Unitarian Universalist 13
- United Assemblies of Christ Intl. 6
- United Christian Church 3
- United Church of Christ 5,206
- United House of Prayer 88
- United Zion Church 9
- Unity of the Brethren 19
- Victory Outreach 185
- Vineyard 604