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  • About God, Twisted Thinking & DNA-New 99 cent ebook

    Book's BACK COVER
    Dr. Fuqua looked around the auditorium with a serious face. "In the NEW story of 'mankind' the manna is no longer from heaven but from Silicon Valley. The NEW mantra is Bioengineering and Technology not the hand of God. The NEW story of immortality is not from the grace of God but from how much bioengineering you and your mate can afford." Doctor Fuqua laughed lightly and continued, "Google's new subsidiary is a company called Calico. Calico is a research and development company whose mission is to harness advanced technologies to increase our understanding of the biology that controls life's mysteries." The doctor took a deep satisfying drag off his cigarette and continued. "In the Bible Adam and Eve's Original Sin concludes that we must die, but Calico Labs says, 'maybe not'. Calico says, 'Life is like a snowball rolling down a hill. Maybe Bioengineering can slow it down if not stop it'." The small auditorium broke out in applause. "A contemporary writer suggests that Death is not a metaphysical phenomena but a technical problem."
    ---> Review 10 pages free at Amazon Books, search: Disposable Human Beings, Julian Olson, $4.95 paperback