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Penn Ave Redemption United Methodist Church in Oklahoma City,OK 73107
1320 N Pennsylvania Ave, Oklahoma City, OK

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What people say about Penn Ave Redemption United Methodist Church

  • I am wanting to go but after reading the reviews I'm not sure if it is only one person giving poor reviews or if a million people witnessed what happened.
    I wasn't there and I shouldn't judge but it's very concerning.

  • And someone post on facebook, that Pastor is a member of the Midwest KKK.I believe it! I wrote the FBI to investigate him.

  • You are racist and insensitive church, for accusing that woman of having marijuana with her menudo soup.You are fake Christians and you should all be ashamed of yourselves! Stupid racist redneck!

  • We need to boycott and sign petitions.. This fake church needs to be shut down

  • You just assumed a woman of color, Hispanic of course, brought drugs into your church. That's a MAGA move and racist. Chill Chill Chill - that's f-ing rude that you could not take a moment of your time to LISTEN. Your sermon was more important than her. I'm so happy to be an Atheist. Fake Christians.

  • This place showed no compassion, judgmental, and, and I hope they realize what they have done. I hope they realize that they came off very rude, no love of Christ. I would NEVER visit this place and would not recommend this place for any one. They called oregano and cilantro drugs 😂😂😂😂😂 ridiculous!

  • Absolutely awful! Treat members like crap! Despicable gaslighters. How’s that cilantro drug test?

  • I am ashamed and disappointed by the pastor and so called Christians at this church. They handled this situation in a disgraceful manner and the pastor did nothing to make this woman feel loved and accepted. These recovered addicts who volunteer need to be better trained and is starts with the leadership at this church. Apparently this is not a church of redemption but a church of humiliation a d hate. Shame on all of you! Perhaps if you had apologized in your statement and taken accountability for the bad behavior than your church would not be facing the backlash of the nation. Service and helping others is a wonderful thing and it is sad that they have forgotten the reason they are serving! Take a hard look T yourselves and apologize!

  • The only real Christian is the one who died on the cross. I hope Ashley does the right thing and give up this foolish Idea that your church will give her salvation, if not this crazy idea that there is actually a God.

  • I wouldn't have ever stopped smoking cilantro if it wasn't for this church.

  • From what I saw I like nothing from this church, stop being ignorant, learn about seasonings, learn about other cultures.
    In case you all forgot America is a continent, North America, Central America, and South America.
    Yes we use cilantro to give our foods flavor.
    That pastor can tell his congregation members to CHILL just like he told this young lady, how dare you treat her like that bunch of ignorant petulant hypocrites, the God you believe in would probably unleash his wrath upon all of you, including that condescending so called pastor, disgusting behavior.

  • https://www.tasteofhome.com/collection/cilantro-recipes-for-cilantro-lovers/
    Here you all go! From the bottom of a cilantro-loving Christian’s heart. đŸ™‚â™„ïž
    God bless your cilantro filled dishes.

  • I love how blandly diverse this church is, but we can always improve the community’s sense of wellbeing and taste. As common curtesy to the Christians who lack proper taste buds , I’ve provided a list of FORTY-FIVE, yes FORTY-FIVE different recipes that include “CILANTRO” in the meal. Educate yourself, and grow, that’s what it means to be a TRUE Christian correct? Or do we instead swim in ignorance and somehow develop a superiority complex?

  • What's done to the least of these is done unto God, repent, accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour and be baptized before its too late! People please beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep clothing but they are ravishing wolves. Avoid this church!

  • This is my favorite church.

  • You all involved in the mistreatment of Ashley need to not only acknowledge and apologize to her for your egregiously disrespectful and cruel treatment but you need to atone for your sins with God. And specifically to that pastor involved how dare you speak over and shush a woman and tell her to chil chill chill when she was the only one speaking in a kind tone in the first place and when as a leader of the congregation you have the power of influence to fix the situation by setting an example of behavior to follow. Shame on you. Very unlike Christ, your behavior.

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cz7R-v7wJiM

    You should have MEN running your church, not women and beta males. Shameful

  • The fact that this church is still standing by what happened with the woman that brought cilantro in and was accused of it being marijuana is very troubling. This was clearly a mistake and regardless of the motivation behind the mistaken accusation there must be an apology and admission of the mistake that was clearly made. For this church to try to turn the tables and portray themselves as the victim is truly shameful. The pastor and the married couple that are part of the administration/volunteers were not kind to that woman. She was definitely upset, but who wouldn’t be in that situation. The accusations and condescending attitudes were disgusting. The United Methodist Church has a long history of welcoming everyone with love, but these church members have made all of us look terrible and hateful.

  • From what I can tell there's nothing I like about your church nothing I love about your church I've been in a Baptist Church my entire life and I'm a sinner just like everybody else in that church and we have never turned anyone away regardless of what they are doing unless they are putting someone in physical immediate danger of posing a threat to someone or anything or anything of that sort we have always used jesus's example and bring the center in so if you suspected that lady of being a center you acted exactly like the Pharisees false accusations rush to judgment condemnation who do you people think you are and why do you think that you have a right to practice your phony pseudo belief system in a free country this is not at one nation under one God we have freedom of religion and you're lucky you have the freedom to practice your backwards ass despicable humiliating profoundly disappointing ideology and I'm a white man and, from me to you you people make the rest of us a good white people ashamed to be white people okay I never called myself a white person until I started seeing people like you everywhere when I realized it was a real threat to United States is and it is the white person who thread I've tried to change myself for the last several years in the racism all the bigotry that was trying to be instilled in me by my parents from the white generations before us but you didn't take you people are a shame on our society

  • I'll become a christian when I see one.

  • Notice how these demons attacked that lady. I also noticed that they are old and ugly. Especially that old bitty and the four wheeler who wouldn’t return “her” food. I hope you devils go to hell. No way those people pray to Jesus and God.

  • What a disgusting display of Christ like values. Not only did you devils not apologize after being proved wrong, you doubled down just like Satan. In my opinion that is not a pastor, he is the head demon. Evil.

  • Discrimination to minorities is not only practiced, it is condoned and bigot policies are enjoyed here. Let the white hypocrites worship here and all minorities be warned. STAY AWAY FROM THIS PLACE LOVED BY SATAN AS THEY FEEL THERE IS NOTHING WRONG.

  • Are ALL of uoi really THAT dumb that you dont know what cilantro is? It also has a VERY distinct odor- that smells exactly NOTHING like pot! Are you that dumb or were you just WAITING for a reason to kick this Mexican lady AND her little girl out of your sinful congregation?

  • Behavior like the way you treated the lady who brought SPICES , with lime and onions -ffs, to your potluck is the reason people dont go to church anymore! The man who stole the lady’s food and said we’re going to test it for drugs should be the one thrown out of the church AND brought up on theft charges. You all think you’re Christians?

  • Wow! Not Christian behavior at all. I am ashamed at how this woman was treated, and you should be too. If there was a policy in place in reference to open, unlabel seasoning (I know I am reaching), you should have kindly stated it. How embarrassing to us all. This why people are leaving in large numbers......

  • United Methodists church of Judgement and hate. You all should be ashamed of yourselves and be begging for forgiveness. Just chalk it up to another fake wannabe church taking advantage of folks. Or maybe breeding the bad ones.

  • Racist hateful church. Wouldn't doubt if you are all in bed with white supremacists groups living in around your area. Both American Christians and the kkk are pretty similar now days. Thanks for giving us your true self. God have mercy on all your souls. I wouldn't be surprised if the tables are turned around on your church. Whatever happens is well deserved and is God's will

  • Your behavior is the reason churches should pay taxes. You aren’t Christian. Love thy neighbor? Or just falsely accuse people of crimes based on the color of their skin.

  • Completely incompetent and disrespectful staff. They don't know what basic seasonings are. The pastor is completely hypocritical and doesn't show love or compassion in any way. Completely horrible people.

.if you want to be treated like crap this is your go to place
..the preacher and congregation are grifters, and not like the romantic ones on TLC, they are money changers, scoundrels, devil worshippers
.Jesus Christ would walk in and turn over the tables.

  • Disgusting people

  • Worst racist church in North America. Not what Jesus preached. Love thy neighbor as yourself not taught here. Stealing is taught here. Mission is in name only.

  • Worst racist church in North America. Not what Jesus preached. Love thy neighbor as yourself not taught here. Stealing is taught here. Mission is in name only.

  • This is a great place for gathering with other judgemental racists to feel superior to others! Bonus if you get your rocks off feeling spiritually superior because of your bland genetics and white privilege!

  • Disgusting place to worship

  • I'm sure your entire congregation voted for me !

  • Thankful I don’t go to church anymore. No hate like “Christian Love.” You all are SICK.

  • It's horrible what happened at this church!! Ridiculous to assume that someone that's been going there a while would bring drugs in the building!!! They must of obviously known it was cilantro but chose to kick this women out for other reasons!!!

  • I love it here, I fit right in.

  • The disgusting actions of the memebers and the pastor in this church is why I left the Christian religion long ago. No other organized religion loves to hate as much as those who claim to be Christians. They judge, assume and lay down their racist views within our communities. The Christian religion has nothing to do with the Lord any longer, now it is a vessel of hate, abuse, and greed

  • You do know Jesus was a Middle Eastern man don't you? He would have loved his spicy food ... Instead of being racist you might like to do a long reflection on Matthew 25. When you get through that a cooking class might be in order where you learn the basics of herbs and spices like cilantro and oregano. And then try a course on the Parable of the Good Samaritan. You know, the one where Jesus flips the whole meaning of who the neighbour is that he calls us to love.

  • People like the ones at this church are the reason I quit organized religion.

  • Religious people like this is why I don’t do “religion”.

  • ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

  • I love nothing about this church. This church knows nothing about My teachings and compassion of My fellow man. Satan will be pleased with you all.

  • it seems that this church members are constipated spiritually and physically, Mexican spice chilli flavors are known to provide relief , just a suggestion

  • Your type of church is the reason I quit organized religion. Wouldn't be surprised if Jesus came in and flipped over all those food tables Himself.

    "Do unto others...". Which you didn't.

  • great collection of people if you enjoy racist scumbags

  • Have any of you eaten spaghetti? They use weed, I mean oregano in the sauce.
    Don’t be bigoted “christians”

  • It is a shame that you call yourself a place of worship and a safe haven.... It is a shame that you consider yourself servants to your community and servants of God.... Because you are the complete antithesis of what being a Christian is. This poor girl came to see her sister and to come eat food with her sister and because you're uncultured and you don't have basic culinary sense to identify cilantro hell you could have even confused it for parsley would have let it go but for you to sit here and accuse this girl of bringing drugs to her sister at a church is disgusting and despicable.... You can hear the heartbreak the trauma the fear and the sadness in her voice while she's trying to explain to your ignorant congregation that she was bringing fixings for her soup. . . And when you get called out on it you just make excuses for the behavior you said that she was trying to interrupt the service she was not she was trying to come in with her soup like she has done before then you said that they're not allowed to give them food to take back to the jail well in that same statement she said she was there to eat the soup with her sister like she has done many times before so you stating that they can't bring stuff back to the jail is irrelevant because there was never any intent on transporting the food out of the church. Check your racism check your privilege and check your attitude because God does not like ugly and you may think you're doing something in the name of the Lord but you're really doing it in the name of the devil that you really are.

  • This is why people don’t like us. Racists like you all. We already know you are not ashamed as this is usually taught. What a shame.

  • What an awful place, why would I ever visit it? Especially as after the video came out the Church has said nothing. It's 2021 yet these evil places exist. Fuck this Church and all of the racist people that attend it.

  • This church makes Christian people look bad! Racist pastor and racist people! Everyone needs to apologize to that poor girl. Absolute joke! Crystal Sweden king and her husband are both c***s!!!

  • You’re the reason most of us don’t believe in church. Racists.

  • You call yourself Christians? Racist assholes

  • How disappointing everyone's behaviour is on the video. You sure have quite a few racist people there at that so called Methodist church. Everyone's attitude towards this woman was vile. That's how Jesus was treated just before he was crucified! All of you and your parishioners need to take a step down off of your high horses and reflect upon what a true Christian is. The whole world is watching. How are you going to handle this? Can you redeem yourselves? Ever?

  • Wouldn't it be the "Christian" thing to do to APOLOGIZE to the woman for your xenophobia, blatant racism and misogyny? Unless, of course, you were trying to push her out for those very reasons. There is no way you were all THAT STUPID to actually believe that was cannabis. Unless you really are all THAT STUPID. Are you? Yikes!

  • Your Church is exactly why I am an atheist.

  • I'm sure you all feel like you've been persecuted over this. It's what your ilk always does - persecute others, all to often to the point of violence and murder, then claim to be the ones who are persecuted. Your religion is dying a slow death and it's by by your own hands.

  • Really showed your misogyny and xenophobia, you finally Christian

  • Thou shall allow cilantro and other seasonings in mine place of worship. Secondly thou shall not display such foul behaviour just because of an incorrect assumption of an illegal drug. Mine son accepted all outcasts, and was treated like one. Thou have sinned in behaviour more than any drug user, drug dealer or cilantro consumer. Redeem your behaviour Pastor, and that of your foolish flock.

  • Why don't you cowards just do a public apology to the woman who attendes this pathetic excuse for a church! that is the first thing you SHOULD HAVE DONE! especially your sorry excuse for a pastor chill chill chill im laughing inside as he is a red flag as a man you like to gas light people. You think anyone cares if your giving a sermon in the next room. Godly people huh seem like full fledged racism too me. This is your karma and only the beginning truly enlighten people see past your ugliness only godly people know how to difuse a situation where someone was racially profiled! I hope this continues until you learn your lesson truly! I'll be happy to continue to help that poor girl out that you wrongfully accused of bringing drugs in a bunch of idiots you are can't tell what a vegetable is from actual man made drugs and hm Marijuana that's Legal in most states. Bunch incompetent people!

  • Such a nasty and degusting congregation and pastor. https://god.dailydot.com/weed-church-oregano/?fbclid=IwAR0KjnY1v77bgKd6_Ue4g7xLkXOgW2WjcJa3QKCyVXwzBbehjYdsGKYtvcY

  • If only the pastor had taken the time to assess the situation, determine that it was, in fact, cilantro for the menudo, apologized to the young woman, and reprimanded his congregation for their extremely hateful behavior, I would have some respect for him. But as it is, this was heinous behavior all the way around (except for the young woman, of course) and they all should be ashamed of themselves although I doubt they will be.

  • I bet the only thing they will earn from this is to not let people film or bring phones into their building anymore. They will pat themselves on the back and say they did the right thing and continue, ignoring everyone rightly calling them out on their disgusting racist behavior.

  • Just got to watch the video of what you did to your parishoner. Your ch-ch-ch-chill was very inspiring and made me glad I'm an atheist all over again.

  • Love thy neighbor, as long as they are white and only seaon with salt. No wonder people are fleeing the churches. You should all be ashamed.

  • I guess I’m in BIG trouble. The cilantro, oregano, and even rosemary that I grow in my own front yard, out in the open, that I use daily, and give away to neighbors, absolutely exploded in size this year. Even the Sheriff, who went door-to-door trying to find a neighbor that could check on someone’s dogs was impressed.
    I didn’t go to jail, and it’s even still green and healthy after two nights of temps below 30°. Obviously, it must be witchcraft.
    There are SO many things wrong, here, to include the behavior of the, “Pastor”. Funny, every single one of the things wrong are reasons I no longer call myself a Christian.

  • As a former Licensed Local Pastor of the UMC I was appalled by the incident I just read about and saw which occurred at your so-called church. That anyone would assume a baggy full of oregano and cilantro was marijuana is ludicrous. The behavior of everyone in the video, other than the young mother who had the misfortune of believing she was attending a Christian Church, was reprehensible. The worst of all was Bradley Rogers. I have never seen such a poor excuse for a pastor before.

  • The fact that there isn't a single comment supporting your behaviour gives me hope for humanity!

  • You people make me glad im not part of a church . U guys are racist , homophobic but “ love thy neighbor r” right ? See u judgement day lol

  • Thanks for showing the world why the phrase "no hate like christian love" is so popular. Only christians could behave so abominably.

  • Horrible ignorant racists who don’t know about herbs or spices and wrongfully accused and racially profiled a young woman. Shut this place down.

  • These are not people of god. Ignorant racists. STAY AWAY

  • Disgusting what you people did to that poor woman. You all should be ashamed, truly.

  • It is nothing but clear that this place is a demonstration of racism and discrimination. To racially profile a dedication member simply trying to contribute is beyond me. I thought only god could judge but I guess every one who collects pay checks had that outlined in their employee benefits? As a minority who has done nothing but give and serve for this country, it hurts to know that there are people who don’t want our company or culture walking through these doors

  • As a Christian, I am extremely disappointed in the behavior of this church. You had no empathy or compassion and didn't listen to what the young lady was saying. Racism and discrimination has NO place in the church.

  • I love the gaslighting pastor and how he told a young girl to “chill” repeatedly when she was falsely accused of bringing marijuana into the church. It was cilantro. They are racist and hateful. If you are not white and racist I recommend another church.

  • Pastor Bradley Rogers. I'm not Christian. I don't know mercy. I don't know forgiveness. I'm the one who will come knocking on your door. May Evil enter your home, your children's home, and your grandchildren's home. May Satan kill you.

  • This is NOT a place of the lord ! Quite the opposite ! What awful humans. God seen it all go down & he is NOT HAPPY ! The members may want to review their anointment files . A lot of moneys going directly in their pockets & not where they claim to be using it. They should beg for forgiveness . All toktik famous , God really does work in mysterious ways

  • The pastor touched me In my NONO square

  • They raised money to help rebuild my bathroom and pocketed everything. Even took the food that was donated to me to feed my babies. They spend all the donated money on drugs and sacrificial worships. The news needs to see this I have video footage too. Also proof they stole my money.

  • This is NOT a place of the lord ! Quite the opposite ! What awful humans. God seen it all go down & he is NOT HAPPY ! The members may want to review their anointment files . A lot of moneys going directly in their pockets & not where they claim to be using it. They should beg for forgiveness . All toktik famous , God really does work in mysterious ways

  • Horrible how dare you treat someone like that. I hope your church is shut down!!! People of god ya right your what’s wrong with people your the reasons so many people don’t believe anymore look how you treat people. When we all stand out and protest I promise you’ll regret how you treated her. Formal apology now!!!!!!!!! Then go eat shit .. Devil 👿 pastor

  • You're not a church and you're not people of God after that disgusting behavior. You definitely wouldn't turn your back on your sisters and definitely when they're showing you and proving you wrong. Just because you want to be correct you decide to not listen and say sorry. Your church is embarrassing and shouldn't operate. Everyone will continue to put your church on blast.

  • Disgusting! The pastor and members of the congregation should be utterly ashamed!!! Horrible leaders and no display of REAL empathy for other individuals. Very obvious displays of racism and prejudice from individual members. Shame shame shame

  • The people of this church should be ashamed of themselves, especially the pastor and his condescending attitude. How could you possibly be doing good by the Lord with such bad behavior? It is not acceptable to be racist or discriminatory in the house of the Lord. God is always watching and he saw what happened to that innocent woman.

  • Come to the dark side!

  • Nothing. Shut it down and stop funding.

  • A godly man would have helped a woman in distress in his church instead of being concerned about his sermon.

  • What do I love? I love that you're all getting a good lesson in how racist you truly are. And how misogynist your pastor is. One more "chill," and I'd have broken his neck -- this lady was grace itself. You could learn a lot about how to adhere to christian precepts from following her example.

  • My massive nutsack has filled with cum, im dying

  • Watching your actions as a congregation toward this young lady was heartbreaking & very hard to watch. God is definitely trying to tell the Pastor & the associated followers something. You better pay attention. You all are suppose to be there to guide & provide God's word. The people of that church showed no compassion for this young lady even though she was in tears pleading and begging for someone to listen & try and understand. You showed no empathy for this young lady nor her culture and choice of food and to top it off you took it & destroyed it!!!. What if that was the only thing that she had access to eat for the day. What if that was her 1 and only meal for the week & your church stole & destroyed her meal! Disgusting of you all! You better pray hard for forgiveness because the word is out now & its saying you all are not true followers of the God you claim to serve!

  • Horrible racist church does not follow the word of God don’t ever go here.

  • RACIST WHITE PIECES OF GARBAGE. Can’t wait till all these pos die so we can forget about them and move on. The ladies in the back that cook the food are racist!!! RACIST. Die already.

  • I go in menu damn it, I can not be smoked......

  • Wow, passing judgment is a Christian thing now..oh wait always has been...that and hate, hate disguised as love...

  • Bradley Kyle “pastor” married to Christy Rogers
    Crystal Sweeden King
    Lori VanDyke
    Theresa Ownes
    All on Facebook and are currently in the process of removing their Facebook pages.

  • I say we all show up with actual cannabis and hotbox the entire church. Then they’ll know the difference. The pastor should be ashamed to call himself a Christian.


  • racist, don’t attend

  • Doesnt know seasoning/herbs, doesn't know God, very much racist, 0/10 would not recommend

  • I just came from the video and I think this is the moment where we test our faith. You have all this negative comments, all these people telling you why you should not be a Christian. God forgives when we ask from the heart. This was a whole confusion between seasoning and marijuana and that you have the opportunity to go and fix the problem. I don’t think Jesus would close the door to someone who is willing to open her heart for Him. For the whole church and stuff I’m sorry for the mean comments but try to ask God for wisdom and handle the problem.


  • Just watched a video of these people accusing a young women of bringing in drugs to the church, even after she repeatedly pleads with everyone to confirm that it is not weed. This is the worst possible place to attend to praise God, because these people are working with the devil. Racists, you are allowed to be Latino and carry oregano to season your food just so you guys know. Shame on all of you.

  • I’m sending y’all to hell fr

  • Disgusting racist human beings

  • Seems about "WHITE" this church is probably run by the KKK

  • This is one of the reasons why people never takes Christians seriously. Pastor if you were not aware of the problem and just believed what someone else told you before confirming please take the step to fix the problem and ask for redirection.

  • Hi, as a Christian myself you did not show Love, compassion and humility that Jesus wants us to share with others. Very sad to see the video and the way your church and pastor treated the young lady.

  • This is ridiculous. You all accused a woman and closed the doors of the church. Every single person appearing on that footage did the opposite of what Jesus preaches. You all don’t know what cilantro is? Are you being serious? I would never feel comfortable going into that church. PASTOR BETTER ASK FOR REDIRECTION AND CHILL CHILL CHILL CHILL


  • disgusting behavior and treatment of people kind enough to bring food for the congregation. You should be ashamed. a great representation of God right? What a joke.

  • Racists. Ignorant racists. Horrifying to have watched the footage circling the web right now. I hope you shut your doors permanently. You’re the exact OPPOSITE of what Jesus preached.

  • You accused that woman of bringing in drugs SOLELY because she wasn’t white. You falsely accused her and then stole her food! Jesus weeps because of you. Disgusting, racist people. Horrendous excuse for a church.

  • I was so shocked to see the video where the pastor and a church member accused a young Latina woman of bringing drugs into the church when she was only bringing in seasoning for her food. Instead of listening to her pleas for them to smell and see for themselves that it was not drugs, they began to gaslight her and place blame on her for “interrupting a sermon.” The harm that this pastor and church member did to this young women is shameful and not Christ like at all. Christians, take a moment and pause on your behavior and what you are showing the world. This is why your messages are falling on deaf ears
 who needs satan to “lead people astray” when “God’s children” can do it for him. Shame on both of you. And to the young woman
 do not be discouraged by these people. You can find a new place to worship where you will be celebrated not simply tolerated.

  • The way you treat people is appalling, you and your workers in that house of sin should feel ashamed. The discrimination the stealing from devoted followers, don't forget the pastor being a druggy himself! So scary. I could never come into that house of worship knowing criminals like those people are there.

  • God does not exist for this church only race and money

  • Racist church members. Pastor do better. God won't have space for hate. The devil will have plenty.

  • Disgusting, racist people. Showing the true hatred that Christian church like to try and hide to the outside world.

  • Disgusting, racist people here. Burn in hell.

  • This is not a place of God. You all should be ashamed.

  • They have the most beautiful, heartwarming, productive KKK meetings every Wednesday after Bible study đŸ„°đŸ„°đŸ„°

  • I knew these people were ignorant but damn, how do you confuse garnish with marijuana? Poor management in defusing a conflict. I hope you get what you deserve and burn in hell. No wonder people turn away from the church cause of idiots like yall.

  • Like they’ve always said, a church ain’t no holy place , it’s all built on lies, pain , and pure judgement ! All y’all going to hell for sure 😌

  • I saw footage of the pastor and a group of people falsely accusing a church goer of taking weed which was actually oregano for a menudo she had taken . They refused to even smell it or listen to her. The pastor was being hella rude to her and so was everyone else that was in the video. I wouldn’t step foot in the godless joke of a place. They humiliated a woman who was there seeking god but came out being treated in a repulsive way. They all need to step down from their positions. They are not an accurate representation of what a so called child of god should be

  • Y’all going straight to hell LMAO

  • My grandma went to this church and brought assorted spices and they attacked her for it. They said God said it was her thyme 😔

  • Your ignorance definitely shows. Why would anyone want to follow any word your church speaks? The man in the video, sounds just as naive telling the young woman to chill. You should have told that uncultured swine of a lady kicking out the young lady for having oregano to "chill". Shame on the "pastor" and your whole congregation.

  • You practice the word and the teachings of GOD? What a joke. Disgusting to have treated a poc the way you did and making her feel like she was the problem.

  • Racist church who discriminates against Mexican and blacks.. Extremely sad and every one of ur employees and the pastor should be ashamed

  • I’m disgusted by what I witnessed in the video where the young Latin woman was being accused of bringing drugs into the church.
    You are not Christians. Jesus would not act that way. Shame on you. Hypocrites.

  • Hello Pastor Bradley,

    I am wondering how your conversation with your congregant went after her menudo was refused for your church potluck? I certainly hope you were able to bring everyone together for a civil conversation where she was given an honest applogy. Were you able to educate your flock about the delicious herbs used in her historical cuisine, just as herbs are celebrated in the Bible for times of feasting and celebration? What an excellent time for a lesson on how Christianity has spread far and wide across the world and you are called to welcome everyone! Also, I do hope local law enforcement wasn't bothered over a silly mix up like herbs for a soup!!! Maybe an herb and vegetable garden would be a good project for your church so everyone can see what healthy delicious greens look like! Can't wait to hear your sermon on tolerance, making amends against those we have wronged, and learning from the errors of our ways.

  • Yall call yourself Christian? Yall should be disgusted with yourself!! Racist people!!! Assume spices were drugs! Shameful to God Shameful to yourself. Rot in hell yall!

  • Disgusting how you treated this woman over cilantro

  • You guys are so racist and the worst type of Christians out there! Fake fake fake! How dare you accuse a hispanic of bringing drugs into a church. You wouldn’t even let her defend herself. Have y’all never seen seasonings???? How are you going to say CILANTRO is weed????

  • I love that I get to watch the pastor and his wife fornicate in goats blood.

  • Bunch of Zealot Idiots. They thought Oregno was Marijuana and wouldn't allow a Hispanic woman into their congregation over it. Churches like this ate why I left the faith. If you want to stray far far away from God, come to this place it's perfect!!!

  • I’m embarrassed that this staff and pastor call themselves Christian with attitudes like that, you talk about extending love but can’t even share it with the very people who go to your sermons? Go pray for your sins. You gaslight and manipulate people “in the name of god”. Your just making excuses so you can be racist fucks. That’s a sad joke to think you believe your “good hearted Christians” who care about all! Lmao not when your blatantly racist and treat people like they are stupid the way you guys did. You all should truly be ashamed.

  • No one should have to experience what that poor woman experienced. Racist fake Christians wanting to humiliate someone who isn’t like them, and think they brought weed into a church. You all must repent and remove this beast of racism from your hearts.

  • The IGNORANCE and unbelievably hypocritical actions of this church are astounding. I sincerely hope you all rot in hell

  • This church humiliated a woman when she just went to hear the word of God and she gets this rude woman that doesn’t know about cilantro or oregano she was in her right to be mad because she was been accused of having drugs . This church doesn’t know the word of God they are just a religion not a Christian or faith in God and don’t worry I’m sharing to family in Oklahoma about you and to start posting around this video in Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Snapchat.

  • Repent- make righteous judgment not hypocritical judgment- The pastor should publicly apologize for the way he spoke to that poor girl- You sir are no better to tell someone to chill that is being accused of a crime and being racist attacked by other church members- Humble yourself little man and make right what you and the other church members did- if the racist women doesn’t apologize y’all definitely should be sued- she would not have questions another White old lady bringing seasoning- Do the right thing Pastor- we will not let this go-

  • Hahahahahaha chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill

  • This place is anything BUT a Church. The people in this church are disgusting!! Shame on everyone of you!!! These type people are what drags down the name Christian!! Shameful! Disgust!!!

  • I’ve never been so appalled. When you see a group of people collectively coming together to harass and humiliate a woman over seasoning
 that’s too far. These people don’t know god or his love, they only know they love the feeling
    Of power and humiliating minorities.

  • Watching that video from Tik Tok hurt so much and made me cry
.this is what our ppl go through. They racially profiled a woman and assumed she brought drugs because she wasn’t YT
they saw her in distress and even after she explained what it was they humiliated her. Everyone at that church needs to apologize to that woman y tienen que dar cuentas a Dios because lawdddd I hope this shows up in your life reel when judgement day comes. Freaking racists.

  • This Church Is Disgusting ! This Church is the definition of slavery Christianity. Sad. How do you accuse someone of bringing drugs to church, because she hispanic 
 you unseasoned vultures. How do you not know the difference between weed and cilantro. If you had any knowledge you can SMELL The Difference. And yall call yallselves people of God.. God Is Someone Who You Can Count On Not Someone Who judges you. Penche pendejos

  • This whole church going straight to hell and everyone in it. How can you call yourselves children of God when God would NEVER allow you to be bias and TOTALLY disrespectful towards another? STRAIIIIGGHT TO HELL.

  • This church is my breeding ground for my demons. All who attend this church are my followers

  • After seeing the video on TikTok I really hope they remove that pastor and staff from the Church. I pray God removes all those horrible racist people who judged that women who brought food for that unworthy congregation. No one should be treated negatively in any type of way. Something has to be done for this not to happen again, and people need to be educated and exposed to different cultures. It’s not about white America. In gods eyes he sees the heart not the color he loves us all. .

  • After seeing the video on TikTok I really hope they remove that pastor and staff from the Church. I pray God removes all those horrible racist people who judged that women who brought food for that unworthy congregation. No one should be treated negatively in any type away. Something has to be done for this Mac to happen again. And people need to be educated and exposed to different cultures. It’s not about white America. In gods eyes he sees the heart not the color he loves us all. .

  • I love how they chase off the non-whites. Its my favorite thing about this location. Perfect Klan Rally location.

  • So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. đŸ™đŸŒâ™„ïž

  • The members of this church are absolutely disgusting and their cult leader of a preacher is no better. These white cheddar Colombus cadets don’t know seasoning from drugs and racially profiled a woman in the middle of their own sermon just to have her break down and cry. Hope then have fun in hell with unseasoned chicken

  • Nothing but racist chalk people here. Please do not donate, don’t give them the time of day. There are far better churches that actually PRACTICE the WORD OF GOD and don’t discriminate.

  • They racially profiled a mother and said she was trying to bring drugs into the church an it was just cilantro for the food she brought Shes Mexican and it’s a garnish these people even threatened to call the police after she pleaded with them and told them that this was her culture food one of the leader told her to chill and was very unprofessional and disrespectful towards her these people are sinners and need to pray to god how not to be racist it’s 2021 cmon stop being so close minded you guys act like you’re in the KKK

  • I'm Hispanic and extremely offended by their actions over cilantro because I fucken love MENUDO...ÂĄPENDEJOS!

  • I'm offended that I was mistaken as my distant cousin, Mary Jane. She is from another part of the family and although we may look similar, we are very different. I'm only a few pennies for a bunch, she's very expensive in comparison. I'm legal in all states, she's not. However, neither one of us hurts people like your Pastor and said "congregation". Your behavior today was disgusting, bitter, and gross, like our other cousin, parsley.

    You all need to publicly apologize for the accusations you made today and take some sensitivity & diversity classes. You should not be in the positions you're in when you are not able to work with people. Better yet, just resign and "chill".

  • I love this church, I volunteer and spend all my free time here. It’s nice to have a good support group that will go commit hate crimes with me. We recently had a celebration where they shaved my head to make me an honorary member. Only had to bring in 10 boys under the age of 13 to receive my first award. Slide Amanda in the back a little meth here and there and she will take care of you.

  • I brought menudo to share with everyone and they thought the oregano was marijuana, they threw the hot menudo to my face and ended up at a hospital with severe burns

  • There will be no redemption after that video

  • You call yourself a church but act on hate. Racial profiling is a form of hate. Where in the Bible does it say it’s you’re job to judge others based on their skin color or cultural differences? Just because you dusty ass white people don’t season your food. Also I will be contacting the police department tomorrow to let them know a member of your church is pretending to work for the police department. So we can add a group of liars to the list. Your church should be ashamed of the pastor as well. You’re all going to hell

  • The kkk Methodist Church more like it

  • Yet another disgusting example of how the church abuses anyone it deems unfit. These poor women subjected to a narcissistic mans objective to shut her up and continue his performance rather than HELP HER. The church is performative at best, a scam and trauma inducing environment.

  • I just saw the video of the girl that had oregano. She should have called the cops - had them test it and file charges against each of y’all. Y’all do not have any business in any church!

  • I can’t even believe the racist, ungodly, unloving behavior. The rude women and pastor in the video I saw should be ashamed of themselves. Accusing the poor girl of drugs and can’t tell the difference between seasoning and marijuana. The pastor never even let her explain the story and just told her to “chill”. I can only imagine what God is thinking of this horrible behavior. I have no other words...I am definitely praying for those lost souls..

  • Was in the state visiting family and was looking for a church and found this place but was not welcomed at all. They gave me bad looks and made us feel uncomfortable, of course my family is hispanic so now I understand why. They are racist not people of God.

  • Just a bunch of racist white people who can’t tell the difference between weed and cilantro. Makes me sick. Take your racial profiling and go to hell

  • Based on the video clip, it is apparent that words spoken to the Mexican lady had negative and racist intentions behind them. At no point should you judge without asking or understanding. Moreover, after discovering it was in fact a seasoning the staff members acted as if she committed a crime. No one stepped in to protect her meaning that all of the surrounding witnesses conformed to fellow members racism. Speaks volumes about the core principles and preferences of that particular church.

  • I love how your guys gaslight people 👍

  • For a church that says they work with ex prisoners and former addicts. They handled that situation horribly. The lady brought oregano and she was never given the chance to proove her Innocence. The tone the pastor used with her was absolutely judgmental and horrible. As an Addicitons counselor myself. This church should not be allowed to minister to ex prisoners or anyone overcoming addiction. This church demonstrated that they are far from being Christ like. Absolutely horrified at the racism and judge mental actions that I saw.

  • They are full of racists. They should be ashamed of themselves. Don't go here if you are not white! Don't go here if you use seasoning or herbs!

  • horrible church unwelcoming to black people and people of color absolutely disgusting.

  • These racists really kicked out a Hispanic woman and accused her of bringing drugs to the church after she tried explaining that it was cilantro and oregano for the food. If that doesn't say "racial profiling" I don't know what does.

  • Do not come here if you are a person of color. This is a racist environment. This is not a house of God.

  • The pastor and his flack of dummies need a reality check. This was so wrong The way they all kind of gained up on her. I'm sorry I would have gotten loud you and then them telling her that they're going to have it tested is just so stupid. I would not recommend this church to anyone. Racist and Christian don't belong together.

  • I expect to see a full public and posted apology to this woman. The behaviors of this church is disgusting. Any normal human being can tell the difference between weed anda spice. This was nothing less than a deliberate shunning based on race. How dare you encourage such evil in my Gods house. These are your brothers and sisters of Christ. We are to love each other.

  • Very sad that members of the church are so ignorant and racist. Of all places “a church “where people are suppose to feel safe and welcomed. Very very ugly and sad to see members of the church be so ugly towards a fellow church member. Menudo is a soup that is garnished with cilantro,oregano,onions and lemon. The person accusing the young girl that the herb was marijuana must not get out much or must not cook much. To them I say explore other cultures and be a little cultured and educate yourself it’s so ugly that a person of god is so ugly and evil towards their fellow humans.

  • Absolutely disgraceful that people who would call theirself Christians wouldn’t admit their mistakes and try and rectify a situation. You give all of us a bad name.

  • 0/10 would not recommend
 potlucks are probably filled with unseasoned food, racism and gaslighting.

  • Tictok all here


  • You call yourselves Christians? How embarrassing.

  • How can you be a church about helping the community of recovering addicts and those who were previously incarcerated BUT wrongfully judge the girl who only had food! This so called church is disguising and racist!

  • Cilantro is an herb. It's part of the parsley family. Part of the coriander plant. Lots of health benefits too. It's also the OLDEST and most eaten herb in the WORLD! Who knows maybe Jesus ate it?! Be kind next time :)

  • The pastor wanted to touch me

  • I think this place. Racist Racist but be a judge of yourself when someone brings in some herbs to garnish a soup but was told to leave after though of bringing in drugs.


  • You do not know the gifts of god. The bounty he has blessed you. If you treat your own neighbor so horribly what kind of church is this if you stand by what has occurred. Learn from this. The hate you have give you now must harbor.

  • I think this place. Racist Racist but be a judge of yourself when someone brings in some herbs to garnish a soup but was told to leave after though of bringing in drugs.


  • Racist is this churches name and discrimination is their game.

  • They are racist and mean definitely not good Christian behavior. Hopefully they reflect on themselves and learn to be kind people.

  • Lmfao FUCK this church, a bunch of white roaches that never seen seasoning in their life. People who claim to be people of god but racial profile and dismiss others without explanations. Y’all can go to hell, respectfully.


  • The lack of intelligence at this establishment is truly the epitome of the blind leading the blind. Can’t begin to imagine the type of uncultured swine they are cult breeding at this place. 1000 Hail Marys for your sins and maybe learn how to season your food while you’re at it.

  • Saw the pastor shoving the whole bible up his rear

  • Saw the pastor having butt sex with the jesus statue


  • i brought in tamales for a potluck once and they ducttaped my hands together and held a sharpened crucifix to my neck saying it was in the name of jesus

  • How dare you say you are people of God and treat other people with such disrespect. That pastor of yours need to be taught a lesson. Racist ppl you are. And learn your seasoning.

  • People of god do not treat fellow humans like this, RACISM IN ITS FINEST!

  • RACIST!!!

  • This is NOT a church

  • People so white and racist at this church, they think cilantro is marijuana. No compassion, no God, and no seasoning at this church.

  • It was Oregano... a VERY COMMON Mexican herb. You really tried to kick her out for Organo?? Are you people racist? Or stupid?

  • Racist racist people. This church needs shut down and pastor needs to never be allowed to work in a church again he is a joke.

  • Such disgusting people in this church. How embarrassing to call themselves people of God.

  • I don’t care what I have to do to get this so called “church” shutdown but I will. No people of God would treat others in such a disgusting manner like the members of this church do.

  • Racist. Very racist. Not God like at all. They will be taking the first ticket down to hell. Not enough praying can fix their ugly hearts.

  • This church is absolutely full of horrible racist people. They should be ashamed to even call themselves a church.

  • This church discriminated a Mexican girl, trying to kick her out because she brought cilantro for lunch mistaking it for Marijuana. Discusting!!

  • Racist church. Disgusting. Wouldn't ever recommend this so called "church" to anyone.

  • This church is demonic.