• Ricky Missildine

    Ricky Missildine

    Born again Cowboy in 1984. Had no church background, no formal education, raised cattle, worked in the oilfield and operate heavy equip. God delivered me from being a drug addict/alcoholic and a wild hard lifestyle of partying, fighting and uncaring life. I was called into the ministry in 1986 but was told I couldn't be a cowboy and cowboy ministry would not work in the church. I stood my ground and took my cowboy ministry to the prisons, county jails and streets and many unreachable folks came to Jesus by my simple cowboy message. 2002 I started helping plant cowboy churches doing my cowboy style music and testimonies. We founded Lost Sheep Ministry of Texas in 2004 ministering in nursing homes flea markets and county jails. We where incorporated in December of 2008 Affiliated as a SBTC Church in 2012. I recieved a recording Contract with Tate Music Group and released an Album Sacrifice in November of 2012 bringing awareness to the homeless vets, homeless runaways and the elderly in our community.