• Rev. C. Joseph Fifer

    Rev. C. Joseph Fifer

    A Former Marine and Law Enforcement Commander, I have been called to a higher Service. I was raised Roman Catholic and reformed Lutheran when I found the Evangelical Lutheran Church where I served in various lay leadership and teaching roles as we brought up our children in the church. The call to the ministry was put upon me in a moment that changed my life and its course forever and I was propelled into studies and training. First as a Lutheran, then in the Wesleyan traditions then again being "reformed" He led me into independent, evangelical studies and the seminary. I have a Bachelor Degree in Theology and Ethics from Trinity Evangelical Christian University and a Master of Divinity from Trinity Evangelical Christian Seminary in Huntsville, Alabama. I am from the northwest Ohio area originally, and find it wonderful to be called back to the area to serve our Lord Jesus Christ and His Church here in Junction.