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Whittier Presbyterian Church in Whittier,CA 90606-1498
6442 Glengarry Ave, Whittier, CA

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What people say about Whittier Presbyterian Church

  • Just wondering, and looking for a couple of objects that were there, when my ex-husband (Harry H. Green) was the pastor, before he demitted the ministry in the early a
    1970's .... One was a large crocheted representation of the Last Supper, which had been backed, matted and framed and was in the pastor's office, as far as I know ... It was crocheted by my mother ... I would be blessed to have it returned to me and my family. The second object was a large banner which had been made by my friend, Frances Dyer, and was used at a national Presbyterian Women's Conference ... Frances had used an art piece I had made in an art class at Rio Hondo College, with the words of a song, "time to love one another right now" - if the church still has it, or if any member of the Dyer family is still alive and present, I would also like to have it. I would appreciate an answer (text or call) to me, Bernice C. Johnson at (805) 441-3394