What to Expect

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Rocky Point Fellowship in Mentone,CA 92359
2116 Mentone Blvd, Mentone, CA

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What people say about Rocky Point Fellowship

  • New e mail [email protected]
    Not 549 e mail .com. Ok
    Tom Matthew s lovehis teacher

  • [email protected]
    This is my E Mail. Contact. Me
    God Bless you.

  • The pastor s. Teach ings
    But to far for us to come to
    This church would like to come
    And keep coming
    Tom [email protected]

  • Yeah. Great teaching from. Pastor
    George. We enjoyed his preaching
    He is an blessed man and loving

  • The best teaching of George Everett I ever heard
    When I was there wow [email protected]
    Love to here from pastor George. BLESS this pastor

  • Pastor George Everett speaks of God from the Bible and breaks it down so all can under- stand the Bible. He listens to the people and prays for them, their families, friends, and even acquaintances. He doesn't judge. He ask all to forgive and do it swiftly. He helps so many people in so many ways. He brings respect, joy, love, and laughter. He makes everyone feel like a family of the Church. He started there in 1992. He is an Angel sent from God to bring people closer to God. He's a blessing to all.