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Linn Family Worship Center in Linn,MO 65051
3540 Highway 50 E, Linn, MO

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What people say about Linn Family Worship Center

  • see my letter from yesterday. My E-mailadres
    [email protected]

  • I was member of the pentecostal church in Bruges. We had a seminar with a Belgian Pastor that lived in Oregon, rev. Renaat Godaert. I think it was 1993. He was lodged with our pastor Wim Engels, they had a close relation with Renaat We kwon that he died in Linn 2003, and we wonder if he was member in your community. If so than I have a question for you.
    I am very creative with bobin lace, quit an speciality from Bruges. I was so thankful for his seminary I made a piece of lace for Renaat, the Lamb of God. Special made to use during the Lord supper. I only want to know if it is still in the church or if you would know where it is. I just want to talk about it during a lace workshop.
    Thanks and God bless you and your assembly.


    written by pastor Engels