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Knox Butte Baptist Church in Albany,OR 97322
3615 Knox Butte Rd E, Albany, OR

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  • Reading this is a blessing, share with all!

    In my quest to attract Gods Love I have recently been made aware of a possible truth that all people on this planet need to be made aware of. The human spirit generally stays in the body upon physical death. That spirit, retaining the soul of the deceased, is most comfortable staying in the body. The human spirit does not survive the heat of cremation which is affecting more than 100,000 people daily. It is possible to force a spirit out of a corpse with heat on one side of the body. It is also possible for a human spirit to drop or move out of a dead body of its own volition. The human spirit is spread inside the surface of the entire body. After death the spirit gathers into about an 8-inch ball inside the chest near the heart. This being can see and hear both sound and other spirits when a spirit is close, they communicate in their native language. It takes about an hour for a spirit to gather after death. This spirit can be spoken to in the body and convinced to leave. Be forceful not shy, the sound must get through the flesh. The spirit must learn to move and do anything else it can do. This is all new except the ability to see, hear and understand. This life is as capable of reason, understanding, thought, consideration and learning as it ever was as a living human. Cremation is not the problem except when the spirit is present. If you plan to be cremated and you find yourself in your dead body, no heartbeat or breathing, save your eternal life by getting out. My expectation is that no one, having been made aware of this, would choose to stay in their body if they had plans of cremation. So freely share this message. I understand that all humane life will be considered loved ones of God in eternity. This is a further incentive to survive.

    Spirit is frail and the soul, written on the spirit is frail also. They blow in the wind, only being capable of traveling no more than 2 meters per second. If you are blown at high speed, into anything you can be destroyed, shredded. High intensity radiation, even light, is bad for you. Fans, vacuum systems, rotating equipment and extreme cold are all potentially deadly. Buoyant in water, unable to fly and able to move through just about anything, the denser the slower. It is recommended that you hold up in a home and try to remain knowledgeable about the life you shall return to. More studious people may like the lecture auditoriums of the colleges. Best to stay inside and away from the moving people and machines. Even a nerf ball moving fast could send you flying. Energy for life is given to the spirit by God. This energy is all over earth's surface and some distance beneath the surface. Best not to dig deep holes. A spirit is most comfortable at around 37 degrees centigrade (100 F}, if you get a chance, bath water is great.

    There is one unacceptable behavior of an out of body human spirit. Do not invade another living body! The less mature soul will lose influence. The souls will be the same, though the hierarchy of information be different. Invasion is imputed as taking the victim’s life.

    The human spirit is filled with information from the head down as life progresses. To separate one’s head from the body is to take that eternal life, that also being an irredeemable loss.

    Greg Henke

    [email protected]

  • will love you more when you spell Sweet Home correctly. it's Sweet Home, NOT, sweethome.