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His Place Church Long Beach in Long Beach,CA 90802
624 Pacific Ave , Long Beach, CA

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What people say about His Place Church Long Beach

  • I just saw your testimony on CBN. Praise God. I have ties to Long Beach. My brother, Daryle W. Black, is a fallen officer. Shot and killed by gang member. I will return one day to visit the park named after him, on Lime St. and visit your church. Have a great day.

  • I also just caught the end of your interview on The 700 Club. I was moved to emotions to see that there are people who still fight for their marriage besides all the obstacles that have been thrown at you guys. I myself was in a horrible situation in my marriage 1 1/2 ago. I knew my only option was to truly give my life to God and have faith that he would work everything out for my good. 1 1/2 yr later, I love my husband today more than I had ever loved him in the 21 yr we have been together. And I am happy I didn’t give up on my marriage. Like Pastor Tommy said in his interview, every morning I wake up and tell myself, “ today I will love him just the way God loves me”. I will do my best to give him a little piece of heaven here on earth until our father comes for his children. I am a huge advocate that God can restore any marriage and that fighting for your marriage is what God wants. Thank you both for fighting, for forgiving each other. Pastor Tony Evans said in his book ‘Kingdom Marriage’, that,” Marriage is one of the greatest ways you can show the difference that Jesus Christ makes”. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for showing exactly that. May God continue to bless you both abundantly.

  • I just saw the 700 club., 15 November 2019., I’m in northwest Ohio. Wanted to share, that’s a tough testimony for you both. God was and proved that HE is tougher than the toughest. I’m battling PTSD., trust issues., loneliness, stuck in a rut feeling? I am a child of God., I myself need free., I’m 56 years old. I’ve dreamt of having a Walton’s-Brady-Partridge type family., I am divorced., 1 child., & a grandfather of 1., Church family is lovably there., Cornerstone Church., Toledo Ohio, Attending the Eastwood campus., Faithfully., Tither., why is my walk so lonely., am I somehow in disobedience? Do I pray., sometimes., read the Word? Very little., is this a spiritual matter or what? Long way around to say., THANKS FOR SHARING YOUR TESTIMONY., [email protected] Bless you and Cm your ministry