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Fruitvale United Methodist Church in Fruitvale,TX 75127
Second & Whitten Sts, Fruitvale, TX

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What people say about Fruitvale United Methodist Church

  • The Fruitvale church has more to give if certain parties allowed if the Methodist's didn't won't to deal with church building & the two lots the Methodist's should of let the members tried there best to buy the building & lots back ,but none of the members were involved of this treatery & deceit .. It was pretty terrible that some people step so low as waited after certain party death & funeral just to finalize the church to be close that put some others very sad cause the church is an heavenly haven to some like an shelter but now everyone has & will take that away just like everything else .. Now there is no need for no more churches for me anymore cause of what has happened to Fruitvale church & me I know for a fact I will not trust another town or any other church ever now this is my opinion & expiences..