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First Love Church in Gig Harbor,WA 98332-1033
9010 Prentice Ave, Gig Harbor, WA

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What people say about First Love Church

  • First Church of Christ, Scientist, Gig Harbor, Christian Science Reading Room, Gig Harbor, Gig Harbor Meetinghouse of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

  • I've been a christian for 15 plus years and I can honestly say that I've grown more in this church than my entire christian walk in the past! I've been a member at First Love Church for 5 years and love it! I grew up in the Bible Belt and never experienced GOD like I have here. I have been set free from bondage and healed from all past wounds. I am now free to share the same love and freedom that CHRIST has shown me. Leadership genuinely cares about you and your walk with Christ. They care about getting you healed physically, spiritually, and anywhere else you may hurt. There goal is to help you be who GOD has created you to be. Your GOD given destiny. There is no set age group. We range from birth to 90 plus. It feels like one big happy family who is ready to welcome in anyone else who would like to join. The kids ministry is a wonderful program and is growing. I have seen kids get healed and grow just as much as the adults. My kids love coming to church. The youth group is awesome as well. My son can't wait to go on Wednesday nights. There is something for everyone. If you are ready for a real experience from GOD, then this is the place you want to be!

  • I have been a Jesus follower for a number of years now, and have recently become a member at First Love Church by Gods direction. My first visit there i knew in my spirit this is where God wanted me, and my wife. When you first walk in the people are so genuinely friendly, and you feel welcomed, not overlooked. When they started Worship and Praise time, you could certainly feel the presence of God, and we spent at least an hour just worshipping, no hurried agenda. When the Pastor preached it was with PASSION and POWER, with Love. It is profoundly good, and awesome teaching, delivered so a new person seeking God could understand it, and is backed up with scripture. It is NOT a social agenda pulpit here.
    What i came to appreciate deeply is the deep Faith ALL have, a sincere desire to HONOR GOD, and not seeking a title or agenda, just a very loving group who sincerely care about the lost, sick, and abused, to love them like Jesus asks us to, and a sincere desire to help each person grow in their faith walk. Our Pastor is the best Shepherd i have ever met, and does not seek to develop our church based upon his personality, but desires those who have a teachers calling to step up, and gives them a chance to share.
    I look forward to not only Sundays, but our midweek Bible studies, where the Holy Spirit has done mighty works through our faith during prayer times, and praise and worship times.