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Falcon church of Christ c/o Dave Smith in Colorado Springs,CO 80930
1335 Engleby Dr, Colorado Springs, CO

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What people say about Falcon church of Christ c/o Dave Smith

  • Dear brother in Christ.
    Greetings in Jesus name.
    I am very glad to meet you through this email.
    By God's grace there were 5 baptized so far this month. I have wife and 3 children.
    If you like to touch with me, I welcome with pleasure.
    I would like to send my profile, if you wish.
    I would like to your good Bible lesson, if you like
    Please help and pray for the lord's work.
    Thanking you
    V.sivakumar- minister
    Church of christ
    Muthur- 638105 .
    Tamil Nadu, India.
    Email- [email protected]
    May God bless you and your good work.

  • Dear brother in Christ,
    Greetings to you in the name of our lord and savior Jesus christ.
    I am doing God's ministry in muthur in the state of tamil Nadu, India.
    It is really good to see web pages from the one true church that Jesus purchased with His own blood.
    I like your Christian love and ministry of lord.
    to share our Christian love and share the ministry
    and his advise.
    Please pray for us, we do pray for you all.
    Thanking you
    Yours loving brother
    Coc minister
    Tamil Nadu, India.