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Falcon Baptist Church in Selmer,TN 38375
777 Falcon Rd, Selmer, TN

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  • Hello Fellow soldiers in the Kingdom
    Greetings in Jesus name.
    I am a Baptist Pastor from Busia, Kenya. My passion is evangelism, discipleship and church planting. I have planted 24 churches in Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo. God has also blessed me with 28 orphans to care. Glory to be to Him!

    I would like to ask you to pray for us here in Budalang’i in Busia county. As a result of the continuing heavy rains, River Nzioa broke its banks and swept several families. Over 100,000 families have been displaced. Hundreds have lost their lives.
    If you were to come here now You would be confronted with the emaciated pictures of the naked and hungry children crying and trembling miserably wanting to eat. You would be confronted with heavily pregnant women, old women and men gathered in groups staring at starvation and possible attack by pneumonia. You would be confronted with the shaking and high fevered children not because of Covid-19 but because of Malaria. You would be confronted with high prices of essential drugs like malaria drugs in a few chemists and when you ask why there is that expensive you would be told the drugs are imported and right now many countries have closed their airspace to foreign flights. You would be confronted with families spending nights in the cold. The government is busy with the covid 19 now. It is awful.
    To understand how serious it is here you can search about the floods in Budalang’I in Busia county and you will see.
    I have been reading on my phone how the world news is covering about the crisis here. Maybe you can check out this link so that you know how specifically you can pray.
    Please pray that God will provide so that we help them build makeshift houses, buy them food and malaria drugs , and mosquito nets etc.
    Thank you in advance for taking your time to pray.

    Email: [email protected]