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Desert Foothills Lutheran Church in Scottsdale,AZ 85266
29305 N Scottsdale Rd, Scottsdale, AZ

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What people say about Desert Foothills Lutheran Church

  • This church has lost its way. Over the last couple of years, the Sr Pastor has exhibited some really alarming behavior. He has made statements about the church and the vision of the church belonging to him and that the congregants "have chosen to follow him". This is supposed to be a council led church but he and the council ignore the bylaws and do whatever they want. There are serious financial questions that he refuses to answer. The attitude is give, give and give more but don't you dare ask where your contributions are going. If you ask any questions you accused of being divisive and going against God's will. I don't know what happened to this man. My family has been at this church for over 10 years, but we cannot continue with him there. We are heart broken and saddened by this development but our eyes are now open and we are moving on.