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Community Life Church in Waxahachie,TX 75165
308 N. Monroe St., Waxahachie, TX

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What people say about Community Life Church

  • I get to pastor a group of diligent, steadfast and loyal Jesus-Followers. They encourage, they seek the best for others, they like their church, they are real, very transparent and sincere.

  • About a week before Easter 2012, someone left a card on our front door inviting us to Community Life Church for Easter Sunday service. We get cards and fliers on our door all the time, and normally we just throw them away without even reading them. My family had been really wanting to find a church home. We had burned-out on the previous church we had been attending, so we had not been attending anywhere at all for a while, and we had just had a conversation about wanting to get back in church and wanting to find someplace to worship on Easter Sunday when that CLC card arrived on the door. The card featured a photo of khaki shorts, and that image caught my eye. I showed it to my husband, and we talked about how it looked like a good place to visit because (judging from the tone & message of the card) maybe at least it would be an authentic, casual place. We checked out the website to make sure it looked like a church with beliefs consistent with our own. After a few days, we decided we would go Easter Sunday to give it a try. We knew nothing at all about CLC beyond that card and the website.

    So our family first met the people of CLC on Easter morning 2012, and we've been part of CLC ever since. That message presented on the card on our door proved to be absolutely accurate. CLC is a group of authentic, sincere followers of Jesus Christ, and the atmosphere is casual. People come as they are with no need to pretend to be anything that they're not. The gospel is presented clearly and consistently, the worship is heartfelt, and real spiritual growth is supported and nurtured. CLC is meeting on Sunday mornings for worship in the amazing Francesca Chapel--a beautiful historic, traditional building worth visiting just for the experience of being in the building. However, Community Life Church is not really about the building, and it's certainly not about cards or programs or agendas or image. Community Life Church is about Jesus. CLC is about growing in relationship with Jesus. CLC is about loving people. About a year after first encountering CLC, I say with all sincerity, Community Life Church is my faith family, a special group where I am loved and supported as I learn day by day more and more about being a follower of Jesus.

  • I love that our church is very relational. We really care about pleasing God and loving on his people.
    Erica Jones