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Bethesda Christian Center in Rainbow City,AL 35906-3406
102 Natco Dr, Rainbow City, AL

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What people say about Bethesda Christian Center

  • This is a cult church if there ever was one. I went here years ago and still have flashbacks to this day thinking about all the horrible things that went on. There were sexual affairs but the most horrific thing was the intimidation factor. If you didn't toe the line and completely and utterly agree with everything coming from the pulpit you were intimidated and if that didn't work you were told you were not welcome. I was a teenager going there and was having a benign conversation with the original head pastor and out of nowhere he says to me, "you're a big old boy, but just remember a boy can never beat a man" This pretty much sums up the almost 20 years of experience I had at this place when it was handed over to the associate pastor things got even worse and the only thing that was ever taught was how much you can give and you will be blessed if you give. I have been in a sermon Where It lasted more than an hour and the Bible wasn't even opened a single time. There is something wrong with that. I know this has been years ago, but you couldn't pack me in a canon and blow me through those doors.